My Android 3.4.0 data is turned on but not active, how can I get it working?


AC Question

Android 3.4.0 Data turned on but not active

I used the native 'Data Usage' function to set a limit for my data use. When I hit this limit 'Data Usage' informed me that data would be turned off, and it did. Further messages followed saying that data is turned off and that I should 'click here' to reactivate, but the time was not yet right for my data plan. Now that I am in a new cycle of my data plan I cannot activate it again. The 'Mobile Data' icon is green, and all settings tell me data is on, but it just won't activate - there is no little 4G icon in the very top notification bar. I have turned the mobile data limit off, but no change. I have set very high data limits - no luck. I have restarted phone - no luck.
There seems to be a problem with the Data Usage function. It won't advance to the new data cycle/month, and even if I set the Data Usage Cycle to today's date it defaults to last month. Please help.


Apr 1, 2015
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Re: Android 3.4.0 Data turned on but not active

Yes, sorry, this is a duplicate of the link belodion posted. I posted the other (newer) one because I got the Android version in the title of this thread incorrect.