[FREE GAME] Word Cloud World - Explore the Internet Mind


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Dec 14, 2012
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Hi guys, new application time! This one is called Word Cloud World and it's somewhat of an innovation.

Word Cloud World let's you explore the funny, dirty, witty, inspirational, cynical, sometimes sick messages posted by thousands of people around the world. It's something of an Internet equivalent to the public toilet wall (in space).

What you need to know about the original:
1. Messages are COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS, we have no data on anything except what you write.
2. Messages are seen by EVERYONE who finds them.
3. We censor NOTHING, whatever is written will stay there, forever.

Users used Word Cloud World to write their life motto, message someone, hide from the NSA, share their love, advertise their projects, Youtube channels, Steam, PSN accounts, break the records in the travel distance, leave messages for themselves, create secret anti-spam cities and much more! They pretty much emptied their souls in our space. And now you can fly freely in this space and be entertained for hours.

Like the game and feel free to send your screenshots, love, hate and suggestions
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New member
Dec 14, 2012
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Graphical overhaul and message posting!

- added ship selection
- added exhaust flame selection
- changed GUI graphics
- added text color picker
- completely overhauled graphics
- updates messages live from the server
- now you can leave new messages as well
- improved and optimized text rendering