Why is Youtube app not going fullscreen on some videos?


AC Question

I have a Nexus 4 and my YouTube app is up to date.

When using the app, if I put the video into full screen (via the button or simply turning my device on its side) the notification bar and the menu bar overlay onto the video sometimes instead of hiding away.

I've tried several methods like uninstalling and reinstalling the app, double tapping the screen (which usually hides the bars) and restarting my phone.

An example of my frustration:

I was watching Achievement Hunter's "Let's Play" channel on YouTube through the app. While watching their Destiny Raid Attempt #1, the video went full screen without any issue, but when I clicked their Shadow of Mordor video and went full screen the notification and menu bars remained.

This wouldn't be too much of an issue, but they're actually sitting over top the edges of the video and not just sizing it down.

I'll welcome any ideas or fixes people have to offer.