Automatically subscribe with reply to thread?


Active member
Oct 30, 2014
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Forgive me if this seems simple, but I tried to search the forum & came up with nothing.

I've only recently joined ac forums & I'm wondering if there's a setting (I also looked in there on the mobile site version) to automatically subscribe to a thread when you reply?

I have this setup on other forums & would like to do so here as well as I become more active.

I mostly use Tapatalk for forums & like being notified when someone responds to a discussion that I'm a part of.

So, is there an option to automatically subscribe to a thread when I comment, or should I start hitting the star icon in Tapatalk so I can follow & participate?

Thanks in advance for any input!

Sent from my Note 4

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
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I'm not sure if you can adjust this in the AC Forums app or Tapatalk, but you can do it on the main website. Click on Settings right under your username (I'm talking about right above the "Trending Now" and "Top Forums" lists on the left of the screen, not the settings hamburger menu at the upper right). Then click General Settings, scroll down to the Messaging & Notification section, and click on the Default Thread Subscription Mode dropdown menu. Any option besides "Do Not Subscribe" will automatically subscribe you to that thread.