Driving Safety Apps - Ideas and Suggestion, Which one? Automated response or background replace?


AC Question

Hello all.

I want to make an android app that promotes driver safety. I have two ideas:

The first:

An app that instantly sends an automated response to your recipient such as " I am driving now, for my safety, please keep that in mind" when you begin typing or the recipient sends a message. This connects to your messaging service installed on your phone.

The second:

An app that replaces the background of the messaging service with the camera while driving. So you can see the road infront of you. The app will read the messages sent to you out loud automatically, and allow you to speak to send your messages. The app will check with you if you want to send your recorded message. I am thinking of implementing google voice API and the integrated camera feature.

Any help to improve an idea and choose which is best? Do they exist?

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