Search GP Music in languages other than English


AC Question

Hey everyone,
I have a OnePlus One and VW GTI 2016 with Android Auto. They both work really well together and, apart from some random slowdowns here and there, I have no complaints. Google Play Music has a lot of music in languages other than English. I've set up my phone to be able to do voice recognition in Russian (tested by using Voice Search on the phone itself) and I also added a Russian keyboard to Android Auto in the app settings. However, I can still only search for English songs.

I tried saying "Play the song [Russian title]", but that usually leads to it playing an English song with a title phonetically similar to the Russian one. I also tried saying "Play the song X" in Russian altogether, but Google tells me "I don't know how to help you with that".

I suspect that it's a feature that hasn't been implemented yet, so I googled around, but I haven't even found any feature requests. Does anyone know if Google plans to add multi-language voice search to AA?

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