Why do my apps (LG G PAD 7.0 LTE) keep closing down without warning and main screen opens

Tri N 2 Catchup

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Apr 24, 2016
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it started 8 months ago, first when running google maps if you opened another app it would close and open home screen. when purchased was able to surf the web and still hear the map giving directions, no longer works. Now when you choose a destination and start the map sometimes it might be 5 to 20 minutes before it jumps back to home screen, mite not close map at all, then as soon as u choose a destination and start the app it may log out 10 times back to back and even when the app has been started it may not save the destination in the recent serches/history. It is getting worser, now when you in google,you tupe, or pandora the same thing is happening! be watch a trailer or listening to a song then home screen. wnt save the playlist or song. if its a movie or trailer, sometimes you may never find it again. its like it never was opened so it want be in the history. not even bookmarks are a garantee. how can i fix this


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Jun 20, 2015
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Sorry - no solution to offer. I'm just adding to the thread in hopes it sparks more eyeballs. Mine has been doing this recently with my web browsers (Chrome and Firefox) - loads up a page (and not a necessarily a graphic-rich pages, either) and it just closes. When I re-open, nothing in the history indicates that I was even on a page and just opens the homescreen.