Does Anyone Know What's Wrong? (Water Damage) (LG G4)


AC Question

Long story short, I spilled something on my phone (LG G4 H810), thinking it was a little more waterproof than it actually was, I rinsed it off semi carefully. Well the water seeped in and wrecked the phone for a day or two. After letting it dry out I turned it back on and everything seemed to be functioning, until I rebooted it. After rebooting it, the speaker did not work and I had no cell service anywhere. There is also a 5-7 second lag when pulling down the notification tab after launching a new app. About every 3rd reboot both the speaker and the cell service work. It has been almost 3 weeks since the incident and the problem is still there. Does anyone know what the problem could be? I think it could be something with the MOBO or Voltage, I tried another battery but the problem remained. Thanks in advance.
