Refurb S6 Edge Broke - Verizon/Asurion won't help


AC Question

I have had my S6 edge replaced by Asurion (through Verizon) multiple times. Two of which because the devices they sent me were not working properly ( a camera issue and running properly issue).

I have had this "like new" refurbished phone since April and no surprise, it's already not working.

It runs hot all the time. Everything is delayed and glitchy. I can barely make a call or send a text! I have done everything I can. Factory reset, cache empty, delete any app not using, uninstall literally everything; nothing works!

I went to Verizon in May and was basically told they can't do anything because it's Asurion's phone that I have not theirs "technically." Which I think is a joke! I received this refurb phone through Asurion because of Verizon.

I don't know what to do anymore. I reached out to Asurion with no luck; not even a reply.

I know this sin't exactly the forum for it, but I'm REALLY desperate.

If you know what I should do or try, please let me know!

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