Why won't my HTC One M8 backup to HTC Sync?


AC Question

I've tried just about everything... as well as contacting HTC many times.

My phone will not backup to HTC Sync. Everything is updated properly. I'm using Avast Antivirus, and I've tried disabling all settings while attempting to backup my phone, yet still no luck.

HTC Support has not helped at all. :( I am concerned because sometimes my phone is glitchy and I really don't want to lose anything. Also, I'm past warranty time.

I was able to upload music files from my computer to my phone as well as delete them; however, today when I did this, it all froze and then deleted all of my existing music files OFF of my phone!!!

What is going on here? I'd like to emphasize my biggest concern though... which is definitely the backup issue!

Please, anyone who has any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you

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