Rooted note 10.1 sch-i925


AC Question

my note 10.1 sch-i925 has been rooted. I am trying to follow the instructions from "won't let me post site"
to update my system. I can not get twrp to install. It goes through the motions then it says

Downloading device's PIT file...
PIT file download successful.

Uploading RECOVERY
ERROR: Failed to confirm end of file transfer sequence!
ERROR: RECOVERY upload failed!

Ending session...
ERROR: Failed to send end session packet!

Any suggestions.
the trouble shooter says to try older files so I have tried about 6 of them and they all end the same way.


Retired Moderator
Feb 12, 2012
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Both of those errors were most likely generated by the server (and displayed to you by the phone) - due to the first one, "the server failed to confirm end of file transfer sequence". Contact the site owner and ask him to fix it.