How to start Galaxy note 8.0 in Safemode (GT-N5100)


AC Question

The real story is. . . I wanted to update this tablet, but going to update says: "your device have been modified software updates are not available". I do not have any clue if this is custom but yes, it says on the settings; though i never modified it.

So i tried looking for solutions. Forums said to remove the battery (impossible), SIM and the Sd card (i dont have an SD card). FAIL FAIL FAIL

I was able to found an interesting one: By booting on Safemode, it will disable external apps and the update error message will show NO MORE. However, pressing Power + Vol. Down leads me to ODIN, (showing some sort of my phone spec perhaps, and it show custom) instead of allowing me to boot on safemode.

Am i doing anything wrong?

Let's say that. . . i am convinced that the AOS is custom. Will this NOT Allow me o boot on Safemode anymore?

Thanks and Many regards..