Xperia XZs vs XZ, Display Brightness


AC Question

hi guys! i have a xperia XZ that i use mostly outdoor and i game on it too. Is the Xperia XZs really brighter than Xperia XZ with full brightness in MANUAL mode? thanks for answer. if you have both phones, can you verify that, its very important for me. Tell me if the difference is big or not.. Thanks A LOT for answer. its really appreciated


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Aug 8, 2012
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Really happy you brought these 2 devices to light. I personally have been thinking about picking them up myself! I just love Sony's design language. While I don't have both devices to compare I can offer this. The XZ comes in at 502 nits in manual mode and the XZS comes in at 564 nits in manual. This isn't a striking upgrade, but many of the reviews i've watched recently have made specific mention that the XZS does have very good visibility in direct sunlight.

Here is a link to a YouTube video doing a side by side speed test comparison. In the video the XZS is featured on the left and you can tell the screen is a little bit brighter.