does the dock/keyboard need to be connected toperform this update?
I am completely new to Android. My Asus Transformer is on HTK75.Revolver, 3.2.1 version. Can I do the update from Asus website (SKU WW version). The reason for the update is support for my Panasonic tv. Thanks!
I am completely new to Android. My Asus Transformer is on HTK75.Revolver, 3.2.1 version. Can I do the update from Asus website (SKU WW version). The reason for the update is support for my Panasonic tv. Thanks!
I assumed that since you have Revolver running you already had CWM recovery installed.
Anyway I think you're trying to use ROM manager to install the CWM recovery? It's not compatible with the Transformer. Use RecoveryInstaller found here [APP] Recovery Installer - flash CWM with a Click - xda-developers
After you have CWM install boot into recovery and flash ROM