Carrier IQ

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Dec 13, 2011
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What exactly is the big deal? I do not see how the collection of any of this information is really any worse than what people say about themselves on Facebook or wherever they choose to socialize their lives on the internet. If anyone truly believes that the information from their phone is being collected just so they can be "spied" on they are really self-important. Sprint said they were removing Carrier IQ, but are going to look into something else for their own needs. So as you can see, if carriers aren't using Carrier IQ, they'll go somewhere else. For anyone who says they could sell the information to the government for their use is totally incorrect. It is illegal for the government to spy on any one of its citizens or anyone declared a "US person" as defined by USSID 18 without probable cause and going through the proper legal channels. So if that did happen we could all sue the government win very handedly. So if you think that your carrier is spending the time and resources to track and spy on you, as an individual, you really need a reality check. Why isn't it probable that this data is being used for trend analysis? On the other hand, if your carrier is tracking you. You might want to re-think all the data Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, or any other place where you give your information to, has on you.

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