Facebook Notifications?

Emma Challis

Active member
Jun 3, 2013
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Hi all,

Sorry to post about such none trivial issues. I have had my Google Nexus 4 about two months now, absolutely loving it. The only thing I miss over iOS is when you get a FB notification you don't seem to get alerted. iOS used to show a number next to the app if I missed the notification, I must admit I do miss this feature.

I'm a complete Android newbie, hoping someone will be able to tell me about a setting or something that I have perhaps missed as when I get a FB message I don't know I have one! Even when I go into the app, the messages don't show up unless I press the messages button and then I can see I have new messages. I have the checkbox next to Messages in the app settings enabled (I also found the use as Lock Screen feature too :) which I like).

It may be that it is an issue with the app or I might be missing the notifications.

Any suggestions are very welcome :D

I've just noticed that I have FB Messenger installed too and that doesn't seem to be alerting me :|


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2013
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I've never had a problem with Facebook Messenger alerting me on any of my Android devices (Nexus 4, Nexus 7, S4), but the Facebook app has always been... spotty at best. Have you seen if you get Facebook Messenger notifications if you don't have the Facebook app installed? The two seem to try to integrate in a weird way so you don't get duplicate notifications, but it sounds like you're getting neither instead.

As a workaround the Facebook extension to DashClock works really well at getting status for messages and general notifications at a glance, though.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2013
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Did you enable notifications from within the settings of the Facebook app? Swipe from the right and choose app settings and enable/adjust notifications. If that doesn't work, go into settings>apps>all apps (by swiping right twice) and lookup Facebook. (Alternatively, you can just look for the Facebook app within your app drawer not the widget screen, hold it, and drag it to app info at top of screen). Then choose clear data. After that, relaunch the Facebook app and go through the short setup process and ensure your notification settings are to your preference within the app.

Follow the same procedure for fb messenger if it is giving you notification problems.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Mobile Nations mobile app

Emma Challis

Active member
Jun 3, 2013
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Thanks guys! Only just had time to reply!

I have played around with your suggestions, a multitude of setttings and re-installations and now it's working! Well the Messenger has started notifying me which will do!

Just don't ask me what I did to fix it! :p

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