Please Help ! Android System Battery Drain on Nexus 5 after KitKat 4.4.2 update


Oct 1, 2011

The battery life of my Nexus 5 has taken a dramatic hit since the 4.4.2 update. I think the culprit is Android System but the GSAM battery graph seems to suggest that the culprit is Android OS kernel. My Nexus 5 is on 4.4.2, unrooted, stock ROM and the build no. is KOT49H.

In short, my phone does not seem to have a wakelock issue but I can't verify because 4.4 does not allow wakelock access without root. It sleeps fine at night and in daytime when it is not in use. I only lose around 5% or less overnight with 2x battery turning off the data connection and only turning on data connection once every night. The problem is the Android System which drains at least 17% (sometimes 25%) of battery everyday and routinely sits on top my of battery usage chart with or without me actually using the phone. My usage per charge is typically around 6-7 hours with around 1 hour 45 minutes screen on time. I had extraordinary battery life before the update to 4.4.2 (lasting more than 1 day with over 3 or 4 hours screen on time). Now my battery life is completely shot. The battery graphs attached already represent one of the better days. Some days the Android system will drain at 25% or more. You will note my phone relatively slept fine without draining at night in the first 7 or 8 hours and then the battery drain started to take a nose dive after I woke up. I feel that whenever I start using the phone (with the screen being turned on), the battery drain will occur. My observations are as follows:

1. I use LTE but the reception at my home and work for LTE is not good so the radio jumps between LTE and H+ from time to time however I do not think the radio jumping contributes that much to the drain.The drain stays the same even when I am at a place with good LTE reception. I use wifi at home but i cannot connect to wifi at work (which sadly is another issue). The wifi is always off unless i use it at home. I do NOT have wifi scanning in the settings. I have wifi battery optimization on. I never use bluetooth.

2. My google now is off. My location setting is completely off with no location reporting etc..

3. My Google + auto back up is off. I do not use Facebook, Facebook messenger, Instagram, snapchat etc. I mostly use Feedly, Whatsapp, Gmails and look at stock quotes every day. I seldom take pictures, videos or listen to music.

4. I only have one widget dashclock widget. I have removed feedly and stock quote widgets from the home screen but they don't seem to affect my battery usage that much.

5. I use Automateit but only have a few rules such as setting vibrate on weekdays etc.. I do not have any profiles which are related to GPS or location which i understand would drain battery. I also use Dynamic Notification, Light Flow, Lux, Nova Launcher, Notification Toggle and the memory in general is always below 65% in the background. I also use 2x battery to save battery which is set at switching off data after I turn off the screen and it will only turn data in the background every 10 minutes.

6. I have tried safe mode and 9 out of 10 times the Android system drain remains the same. The only way to lower the Android system drain (albeit temporary) is when I turn off the phone and plug it in for a charge, then turn it on when it is full and still plugged in. After I unplug it, the Android System drain will lower to say 7 or 8 % but it will slowly creep back up to 20% within an hour or so.

7. The CPU usage overlay routinely has 9 + readings on the top when the screen is turned on (but with no app running). I think it means very high CPU usage.

8. I do not think Feedly is causing any problems. I deleted the app and the drain remains. I also do not think GSAM is that useful as pointed out by another member here. It points to one app. You delete that app and then the drain remains it will point to something else.

9. I have been using Greenify (non-root) but it does not seem to help with my battery drain as the drain might be caused by system apps or processes within the OS.

I don't know what else to do and this problem has been troubling me for more than 1 month now. Please help !

Update on 24/2/2014:
I have given up and factory reset my phone. After I reset my phone, the apps were installed via Google Play automatically. I also switched to ART. It was fine initially for at least one day. The apps were there but I did not use or enable most of them as I wanted to transfer all my data and tweaked the settings in one goal. I mostly just used Feedly, Whatsapp and Maps for navigation. Even with Maps and high accuracy GPS on, the Android System would go below 10% even though it would temporarily increase to say above 20% during navigation. This morning, I thought the battery seemed ok so I enabled Lux, Dynamic Notifications, Lightflow, Automateit, Nova Launcher and restore the settings to most of the apps.

The Android System drain came back within 2 hours and hit 25% of the total battery drain. My phone's battery dropped from 100% to 40 % in less than 5 hours and the screen on time was only around 1 hour! I never did any battery intensive actions. The most was turning on the phone to check my battery and whatsapped less than 10 messages back and forth ! Since the drain re-appeared, I have turned off completely the location setting, Google Now, sync for Google Plus, auto-backup for Google Plus. I have removed all widgets and disabled Dynamic Notifications, Nova Launcher, Light Flow, Lux. The drain still remains the same at 23% or more.

This is driving me absolutely crazy and I am sick and tired of spending so much time and energy on sorting out the cause for drain (and to no avail!) I spent a lot more time on trying to fix the phone than really utilizing the phone for my benefit !! I just sent an email to the Google tech support and hope they will help instead of sending me generic self-help sheet. Thanks all for listening and trying to help. I am just really disappointed with Google this time.


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What is the data usage for Feedly?
Settings/Data Usage
Long Press Feedly.
How much Background usage is there for Feedly?
Google "feedly battery usage" ... answers there.
I use Taptu as my RSS reader...low battery usage.

Also close Games when not in use!
I experienced the same battery drain issues. After some extensive Googling, here's what fixed it for me:

1) In Settings -> Wireless & Networks -> More... -> Mobile Networks -> Network Operators choose your operator manually rather than the automatic search.

2) After charging your phone battery, shut down the phone immediately after unplugging it from the charger. Power the phone on as usual.

My battery used to die in 8 hours when idling overnight, but after these two changes I'm getting a solid 3 days of use with normal use. It seems there is a bug in Android regarding the battery management - something goes wrong unless you do the reboot trick after charging the battery. Annoying and I have reported this behavior to Google but no answer yet.
If it ran better before, you might have an app installed that doesn't like 4.4.2. Have you tried changing the runtime to ART? It significantly increased my battery life.
Thank you Camanokid for your reply. Feedly's background data usage is as much as the foreground usage. However, I only used the app for much less than 1 hour for the 2 hour screen on time. I have reluctantly deleted the app but the drain remains. It is either the Playstore or some other app on the GSAM but the Android battery chart just shows Android System. I will post battery charts later. Thanks anyway.
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I experienced the same battery drain issues. After some extensive Googling, here's what fixed it for me:

1) In Settings -> Wireless & Networks -> More... -> Mobile Networks -> Network Operators choose your operator manually rather than the automatic search.

2) After charging your phone battery, shut down the phone immediately after unplugging it from the charger. Power the phone on as usual.

My battery used to die in 8 hours when idling overnight, but after these two changes I'm getting a solid 3 days of use with normal use. It seems there is a bug in Android regarding the battery management - something goes wrong unless you do the reboot trick after charging the battery. Annoying and I have reported this behavior to Google but no answer yet.

Thanks for your reply. I tried both but unfortunately it did not work for me but thanks anyway.
If it ran better before, you might have an app installed that doesn't like 4.4.2. Have you tried changing the runtime to ART? It significantly increased my battery life.
Thanks I am very tempted to try ART but I heard that Whatsapp would crash with it. Did you experience any of that?
Welcome to Android Central! You mentioned that your LTE coverage isn't great at home, but has that always been the case? Poor cell signal can contribute to battery drain, but if this was the case before the 4.4.2 update, and you had better battery life before, then I agree it is not a big contributor.

Have you tried doing a system cache partition wipe? This can be helpful sometimes, especially after a system update. You won't lose any personal data. Keep in mind that on the Nexus 5, this process seems to take longer than on other devices (sometimes upwards of a minute). The procedure listed in this T-Mobile support page works for any N5: Reset: Google Nexus 5 | T-Mobile Support
Welcome to Android Central! You mentioned that your LTE coverage isn't great at home, but has that always been the case? Poor cell signal can contribute to battery drain, but if this was the case before the 4.4.2 update, and you had better battery life before, then I agree it is not a big contributor.

Have you tried doing a system cache partition wipe? This can be helpful sometimes, especially after a system update. You won't lose any personal data. Keep in mind that on the Nexus 5, this process seems to take longer than on other devices (sometimes upwards of a minute). The procedure listed in this T-Mobile support page works for any N5: Reset: Google Nexus 5 | T-Mobile Support

Thanks B. Diddy for your advice. Will try that now. I really appreciate the prompt help the members here are offering !

Update: Tried the cache wipe. The drain remains......but thanks for your suggestion.
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Thanks I am very tempted to try ART but I heard that Whatsapp would crash with it. Did you experience any of that?

I don't use Whatsapp, so I can't say how it functions under ART. I can tell you that the difference in both performance and battery life is very noticeable. All of the apps that I used that had issues under ART (only a few) have been resolved and the difference in how the phone ran was so good, I just lived without them until they were updated. It seems like the developers of the mroe popular apps are working pretty feverishly to get updated.
Thanks B. Diddy for your advice. Will try that now. I really appreciate the prompt help the members here are offering !

Update: Tried the cache wipe. The drain remains......but thanks for your suggestion.

The nexus 5 is a beast of phone with kitkat but the battery is somehow horrible right now im at 4H 13M at 62% with 1H 29M of on screen time with only a few apps running and google syncing in th background. With that being said this has also been the 2nd nexus that ive had as well and im honestly going to wait it out till either the s5, htc m8, lg g3 or the note 4 drops and go from there. Hopefully google figures out the culpit of the issue and start dropping 3000+ mAh batts in because 2300 isnt cutting it or something is really messed up in the phone
I experienced the same battery drain issues. After some extensive Googling, here's what fixed it for me:

1) In Settings -> Wireless & Networks -> More... -> Mobile Networks -> Network Operators choose your operator manually rather than the automatic search.

2) After charging your phone battery, shut down the phone immediately after unplugging it from the charger. Power the phone on as usual.

My battery used to die in 8 hours when idling overnight, but after these two changes I'm getting a solid 3 days of use with normal use. It seems there is a bug in Android regarding the battery management - something goes wrong unless you do the reboot trick after charging the battery. Annoying and I have reported this behavior to Google but no answer yet.

"2) After charging your phone battery, shut down the phone immediately after unplugging it from the charger. Power the phone on as usual."

Another reason why i would stay away from the phone.
If you search the Internet you will see that many users have this issue. But the majority do not. I did. You may try a factory reset. Here is what I tried. The only thing that worked 100% was turning the phone off and then back on, but this only worked for a couple of days then the issue repeated. Factory reset. Removed all non essential apps (like stop watch, barcode reader, bank apps, chipolte, etc. Went into apps like Weatherbug Elite and Flixter and hard set the location so apps weren't using cell towers or GPS to set location. Turned off location history, set location mode to battery saving, Turned off "Okay Google" voice feature. Turned off Google Now. Charge only with original charger and USB cable (I stopped using Qi charger). Turn off Bluetooth and leave it off all the time.

None of that worked more than a couple of days I called Google Technical Support and reported what I tried. I asked them to send me a new phone. Google did. Now with my new phone I have all that stuff listed above turned on and I go through about 4% of my battery per hour.

Sadly I think for the problem you and I experienced the battery monitor is worthless. In my case it would point to an app (Flixter) I would uninstall it and the next time it would point to media server, Google Services, or Google Play, etc.. I remember going into a movie with 80% of battery, when I left the theater my battery was hot and the phone was showing 20% of battery remaining.

The phone really is a nice phone. I think my first phone and maybe yours were just defective.
I experienced the same battery drain issues. After some extensive Googling, here's what fixed it for me:
1) In Settings -> Wireless & Networks -> More... -> Mobile Networks -> Network Operators choose your operator manually rather than the automatic search.

Thanks for the tip. Interesting. Do you know if this setting affects roaming? Does it mean the phone would not roam because you're telling it to use a specific network operator (i.e. carrier) only?
You might try Watchdog Lite to monitor CPU usage offenders.
I put the widget on my desktop.
The app also reports cpu usage for both background and foreground.
After a second factory reset, I did not install a lot of the apps which I suspect have something to do with my drain - including Swype, Dynamic Notifications, Nova Launcher, LightFlow, Task Manager, 2x battery, Lux, Notification Toggle, Dash Clock, Automateit. I have also set my location to device only with no location history and history. I have also disabled Google Now. I have not restored my photos, music and videos to the phone yet. I have disabled sync for Google Plus, Google Drive etc.. I have also disabled auto back up for Google Plus. I am on ART.

The battery life (with around 25 % left) was around 6 hours 30 minutes or a bit more but with close to 2 hours 40 minutes screen on time. The screen was the biggest draw. Android system comes in second with around 13%. This is obviously better than before where I managed to squeeze maybe a hour or 30 minutes more but with 2x battery turned on in the background. I mostly used the phone for battery checking, whatsapp, Feedly, web surfing. I played games for around 20 minutes. I was not on wifi most of the time. Is this battery performance normal?

Thanks in advance.
That means you're on track for about 3.5 hrs of screen on time, which is not unheard of for the N5. I get around 3-4 hrs of total screen-on time per charge, depending on what I'm doing. Overall, I'm still able to get through a whole day and still have about 40% battery left before I go to sleep, but I'm not actively using the device all day.
I have reset the phone three times. After the third attempt, the battery drain for Android System would go back up to 20% plus. By the test of elimination, I thought I narrowed down the possible culprit to Light Flow and Dynamic Notifications. I uninstalled both of them but the battery drain remained 20% plus.

Google was willing to replace my device. I asked them whether the battery drain is likely a hardware or a software issue or a combination of both. They said (to my surprise) it is hardware issue. It seems they have come across quite a number of similar cases. I always thought it was a bug within 4.4.2 or in the google apps such as Google Play Services etc. and could be fixed by a patch or something. The phone also means a lot to me as it was a gift from my gf. I just don't want to go through the hassle of replacing the device if it is a software problem. What do you guys think?
I have reset the phone three times. After the third attempt, the battery drain for Android System would go back up to 20% plus. By the test of elimination, I thought I narrowed down the possible culprit to Light Flow and Dynamic Notifications. I uninstalled both of them but the battery drain remained 20% plus.

Google was willing to replace my device. I asked them whether the battery drain is likely a hardware or a software issue or a combination of both. They said (to my surprise) it is hardware issue. It seems they have come across quite a number of similar cases. I always thought it was a bug within 4.4.2 or in the google apps such as Google Play Services etc. and could be fixed by a patch or something. The phone also means a lot to me as it was a gift from my gf. I just don't want to go through the hassle of replacing the device if it is a software problem. What do you guys think?

I'm as perplexed as you are. I don't know, but I would tend to believe it's a software issue because both my original and my replacement have this drain. My current theory is that it's the Yahoo Mail app. I will uninstall it and see if that prevents the drain tonight. Other potential candidates I have are: TheScore (sports news & scores), TrustGo (anti-virus), and Maxthon (browser). Do you have any of those apps installed?

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