- Mar 20, 2011
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Does anyone know much about the new UG802 Mini PC? Is it actually new? Is it considered an upgrade to the MK802? The only difference I see is that the UG802 is dual core vs the MK802 which is single core.
whether it gets hot like the MK802 is reported to do.
One about playing vids with XBMC
They do in fact have a 802.11n card in them. The Realtek 8188eus chip supports 802.11n at up to 150mbps. I don't have problems streaming 1080p mkv's from my house ftp server.
So perhaps it's your router configuration or maybe you got a bum unit. I'd try it on another router.
That's where I originally posted when I rooted it and when I fixed the Play Store.
All I know when I test the wifi of this device on several speed test apps and web sites it does not go over 1.3 mbps. Why... I don't know, but every other device I have runs at full bandwidth on wifi at 5.5 mbps. Tested 5 devices. Also hear is another reseller at dealextreme and they state the device Wi-Fi: Built-in 802.11b/g Wi-Fi card. I have no affiliation with them. My unit is identical to it. I did not buy my unit from them but they state 802.11b/g wifi. Link... UG802 - DealExtremeHi userx,
what;s the chipset of your UG802? according to thsi website, it has realtek 8188,which supports 802.11n.
All I know when I test the wifi of this device on several speed test apps and web sites it does not go over 1.3 mbps. Why... I don't know, but every other device I have runs at full bandwidth on wifi at 5.5 mbps. Tested 5 devices. Also hear is another reseller at dealextreme and they state the device Wi-Fi: Built-in 802.11b/g Wi-Fi card. I have no affiliation with them. My unit is identical to it. I did not buy my unit from them but they state 802.11b/g wifi. Link... UG802 - DealExtreme
My UG802 unit...
[url=http://postimage.org/image/by5fh9gcr/][url]http://s17.postimage.org/by5fh9gcr/unit_pic.jpg[/url][/URL] [url=http://postimage.org/image/3ys5rvk7l/][url]http://s8.postimage.org/3ys5rvk7l/unit_pic2.jpg[/url][/URL]
Here are pics showing the speed test results from 2 different speed test web sites and one speed test app. All ran multiple times, same results.
[url=http://postimage.org/image/xe0bbycxd/][url]http://s16.postimage.org/xe0bbycxd/Speed_test1.jpg[/url][/URL] [url=http://postimage.org/image/6w44t0vwn/][url]http://s7.postimage.org/6w44t0vwn/speed_test3.jpg[/url][/URL] [url=http://postimage.org/image/58bglh0df/][url]http://s13.postimage.org/58bglh0df/speed_test2.jpg[/url][/URL]
Router is not the problem. It works fine but the unit might be bad or its really a 802.11b/g.
Please test your unit and post the speed results for us to compair. I also tried to root. Fallowed your instructions and it did not work for me. How did you connect the device to your PC? Mini usb cable to PC does not detect devise. I used Moborobo but it does not detect the UG802? Any tips for getting this rooted. Drivers to install? Thanks
I just ran a quick speedtest on my n router for you, it's running in lower speed g mode because of other g devices being connected.
View attachment 37251
Yours should be close to that in speed too.
As for rooting...
Moborobo is what installs the drivers.
I just installed moborobo on another laptop to check. What I did was:
Installed moborobo onto laptop. Shutdown moborobo.
Connected the ug802 to hdmi tv and plugged in my wireless keyboard.
Plugged micro usb into ug802, and other side into laptop.
When ug802 booted I went into stock android settings and enabled usb debugging.
Then went into the other Settings app(the simple one provided by the stock home screen)
Went to Advance Setting and clicked on USB Settings.
That connected to my laptop then I started Moborobo and it detected and installed drivers for the ug802.
It detects the device as rk30sdk.
It’s pretty straight forward. Hope that helped.
userx and jonesmamma
Can you guys try something for me. I just got my 4th unit in and it seems to have a wifi problem at boot. What worked for me was to go into android settings click on my wifi connection and choose forget. Then I rescanned and clicked to connect. It gave me full blue bars with a steady connection over 23000kbps.
I seem to have even worse luck than userx. The fix did not work even though I tried it multiple times in different configurations using both settings menus for wifi. At least userx was able to get his to work temporarily. I do remember I had a blue wifi signal initially when I first got it yesterday although my speeds have never been fast enough even to download an app or watch a video. I barely can cruise the web with these speeds. All I can seem to get now is a grey wifi and 54Mbps link speed for wifi. Bummer.
I do hope you get a fix for us here. I am time limited in how long I can wait to return it though so I don't know if I should just send it back and hope for a better one next time.