UG802 Mini PC


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2011
Does anyone know much about the new UG802 Mini PC? Is it actually new? Is it considered an upgrade to the MK802? The only difference I see is that the UG802 is dual core vs the MK802 which is single core.
It is new, there have been rumors of it for a few weeks. I dont know if its from the same manufacturer of the MK802, or any specifics other than it has the Rokchip 3066 dual core CPU. I dont know anyone that has tried it out yet.
I ordered one due to arrive in the mail this week. I will post my impressions about it. So far I have heard of a method to root it and a hack to get full google market running. Their are a few posts on u tube about it. One about playing vids with XBMC. Looks like a winner, will test myself.
Cool! Looking forward to the reviews for this new device. Especially interested in whether it gets hot like the MK802 is reported to do.

Does the HDMI support MHL so that it can be powered off the HDMI port on the TV? Or does it need to be plugged in?
whether it gets hot like the MK802 is reported to do.

I have the MK802 II, and have not had any real problems with heat. Many people think its related to CPU, but its not. The heat is from the wifi chips on the older original MK802's. Mine gets warm, but not "hot". I also have my wifi set to to time out and turn off when im not using it, and then turn back on when I move the cursor or press any key on my airmouse (Tasker ftw).

also, if anyone is interested, this is the best wireless mouse/keyboard for an HTPC, GoogleTV type setup I have ever found.

MK802 & Mini PC Accessories : Motion Plus - Mini Wireless Keyboard with Air Mouse

Works kinda like a Wii remote, but setup with hot keys and what not for android. Works on Windows too. Its awesome. Its much better than using a trackpad like all the GTV systems are shipping with.

- - - Updated - - -

One about playing vids with XBMC

XBMC is still pretty buggy on android. I have it installed on my tablet and on my MK802 II. Lots of crashes, and very very slow. Some problems still with getting hardware decoding working on some devices. Still needs a lot of work.
Well I got my UG802. It's pretty buggy. Having problems connecting to wifi. Finally it connected after several hard reboots. It has no power button so you have to pull the usb power cord out and replug it in. When it did connect wifi signal is strong but the data stream seems to be slow. I'm on a 802.11n router but the fastest speed I tested was 1.1k. My data to other devices tested 6.5k. So something is not right with this units wifi. Will report more later.
Just found out this unit is not wifi 802.11n, its Wi-Fi: Built-in 802.11b/g Wi-Fi card. The place I bought it stated 802.11n so that explains the slower data speed. Trying streaming HD content with PLEX media server from my PC and it choked. This is no HD media streamer, maybe if it had Built-in 802.11n.
I actually own 3 of these units with the 4th coming in the mail.
I ordered my latest one from UG802 Mini PC - 1.2Ghz Android 4.0 HDMI RK3066 TV Dongle Sticks Cheap I think the price right now is $63.49.

The UG802 actually runs at 1.2GHZ. It's underclocked in the kernel by the manufacturer. If it ran at 1.6GHZ then it draws a bit more power than most hdtv usb ports are able to supply.

They do in fact have a 802.11n card in them. The Realtek 8188eus chip supports 802.11n at up to 150mbps. I don't have problems streaming 1080p mkv's from my house ftp server.
So perhaps it's your router configuration or maybe you got a bum unit. I'd try it on another router.

There's a pretty active discussion on cnx-software at Dual Core Rockchip RK3066 mini PC Now Available for $88.88 | CNXSoft – Embedded Software Development
That's where I originally posted when I rooted it and when I fixed the Play Store.

I liked the UG802 so much I started an Indiegogo project to have a custom version built with better specs.
I call it the Dual Droid TV Stick. If the project is successful it will have 2GB of RAM and 16GB of flash!
After extensive talks with the manufacturer I managed to reduce the price a bit and get a minimum order quantity that seems possible to achieve.
Anyway it's setup for fixed funding so if the project doesn't meet the goal all the money collected is returned.
Dual Droid TV Stick -- Indiegogo
They do in fact have a 802.11n card in them. The Realtek 8188eus chip supports 802.11n at up to 150mbps. I don't have problems streaming 1080p mkv's from my house ftp server.
So perhaps it's your router configuration or maybe you got a bum unit. I'd try it on another router.

That's where I originally posted when I rooted it and when I fixed the Play Store.

Hi userx,

what;s the chipset of your UG802? according to thsi website, it has realtek 8188,which supports 802.11n.
All I know when I test the wifi of this device on several speed test apps and web sites it does not go over 1.3 mbps. Why... I don't know, but every other device I have runs at full bandwidth on wifi at 5.5 mbps. Tested 5 devices. Also hear is another reseller at dealextreme and they state the device Wi-Fi: Built-in 802.11b/g Wi-Fi card. I have no affiliation with them. My unit is identical to it. I did not buy my unit from them but they state 802.11b/g wifi. Link... UG802 - DealExtreme
My UG802 unit...

[url=][/URL] [url=][/URL]

Here are pics showing the speed test results from 2 different speed test web sites and one speed test app. All ran multiple times, same results.

[url=][/URL] [url=][/URL] [url=][/URL]

Router is not the problem. It works fine but the unit might be bad or its really a 802.11b/g.
Please test your unit and post the speed results for us to compair. I also tried to root. Fallowed your instructions and it did not work for me. How did you connect the device to your PC? Mini usb cable to PC does not detect devise. I used Moborobo but it does not detect the UG802? Any tips for getting this rooted. Drivers to install? Thanks
All I know when I test the wifi of this device on several speed test apps and web sites it does not go over 1.3 mbps. Why... I don't know, but every other device I have runs at full bandwidth on wifi at 5.5 mbps. Tested 5 devices. Also hear is another reseller at dealextreme and they state the device Wi-Fi: Built-in 802.11b/g Wi-Fi card. I have no affiliation with them. My unit is identical to it. I did not buy my unit from them but they state 802.11b/g wifi. Link... UG802 - DealExtreme
My UG802 unit...

[url=][url][/url][/URL] [url=][url][/url][/URL]

Here are pics showing the speed test results from 2 different speed test web sites and one speed test app. All ran multiple times, same results.

[url=][url][/url][/URL] [url=][url][/url][/URL] [url=][url][/url][/URL]

Router is not the problem. It works fine but the unit might be bad or its really a 802.11b/g.
Please test your unit and post the speed results for us to compair. I also tried to root. Fallowed your instructions and it did not work for me. How did you connect the device to your PC? Mini usb cable to PC does not detect devise. I used Moborobo but it does not detect the UG802? Any tips for getting this rooted. Drivers to install? Thanks

I just ran a quick speedtest on my n router for you, it's running in lower speed g mode because of other g devices being connected.
Yours should be close to that in speed too.

As for rooting...

Moborobo is what installs the drivers.

I just installed moborobo on another laptop to check. What I did was:

Installed moborobo onto laptop. Shutdown moborobo.
Connected the ug802 to hdmi tv and plugged in my wireless keyboard.
Plugged micro usb into ug802, and other side into laptop.
When ug802 booted I went into stock android settings and enabled usb debugging.
Then went into the other Settings app(the simple one provided by the stock home screen)
Went to Advance Setting and clicked on USB Settings.
That connected to my laptop then I started Moborobo and it detected and installed drivers for the ug802.
It detects the device as rk30sdk.

It’s pretty straight forward. Hope that helped.
Does your wifi signal meter ever go blue? I just noticed that it looks grey in your screenshots. Try reconnecting to your router and wait until the bars light up blue before you test.
I just ran a quick speedtest on my n router for you, it's running in lower speed g mode because of other g devices being connected.
View attachment 37251
Yours should be close to that in speed too.

As for rooting...

Moborobo is what installs the drivers.

I just installed moborobo on another laptop to check. What I did was:

Installed moborobo onto laptop. Shutdown moborobo.
Connected the ug802 to hdmi tv and plugged in my wireless keyboard.
Plugged micro usb into ug802, and other side into laptop.
When ug802 booted I went into stock android settings and enabled usb debugging.
Then went into the other Settings app(the simple one provided by the stock home screen)
Went to Advance Setting and clicked on USB Settings.
That connected to my laptop then I started Moborobo and it detected and installed drivers for the ug802.
It detects the device as rk30sdk.

It’s pretty straight forward. Hope that helped.

Those instructions worked perfect!!! Thanks. I was not connected to the tv and the pc at the same time. That is why it didn't connect. Then started up moborobo and it loaded the drivers. Then I used "SuperOneClickv2.3.3-ShortFuse Modded". It loaded, I hit root - it said already rooted. But It was not, so I hit root again and it did full root, super user. :D

Now I have to figure out the play store fix...

As for may wifi speed, still 1.3mbps... something not right.
I wonder if you ever figured out the wifi situation. I just got a UG802 today and am having a similar problem.

The computing speeds are fantastic
The interface is slick although I would like to be able to customize the homepage (but I assume custom ROMs will be coming out soon)
It works great with a Rii mini RF keyboard (as long as you move the USB dongle away from the UG802 itself to minimize interference and put it in a line of sight of the keyboard.)
Going through the apps looks great and there is a lot of customization to get the font size big enough to see on the big screen making cruising the web doable.
The unit seems not to heat up much and i think it could be left on 24/7 (although my tv is on an auto powerstrip to save money, so when the tv goes off so do all the peripherals. )

Biggest problem that makes this unit unusable for me is the wifi speed. Not only is the signal weak and drops occasionally but the speeds are as slow as dial up. Meanwhile I have and android phone and windows PC in the same room just a few feet from the UG802 with broadband speeds on the same wireless modem. What gives? I hope I can figure it out or I will have to send this one back. Maybe like userx, my wifi antenna is defective in this one. It is so slow, i could not even finish downloading the speedtest app to check how slow it was. This wifi problem is a dealbreaker if it cannot be fixed as I want to use this to stream media.

I bought it for 90 on Oval Elephant only to find out it is 63 and change at other sites.

Overall I love this little pocket pc, and I hope there is a fix for the weak wifi so I don't have to send it back.
userx and jonesmamma

Can you guys try something for me. I just got my 4th unit in and it seems to have a wifi problem at boot. What worked for me was to go into android settings click on my wifi connection and choose forget. Then I rescanned and clicked to connect. It gave me full blue bars with a steady connection over 23000kbps.
userx and jonesmamma

Can you guys try something for me. I just got my 4th unit in and it seems to have a wifi problem at boot. What worked for me was to go into android settings click on my wifi connection and choose forget. Then I rescanned and clicked to connect. It gave me full blue bars with a steady connection over 23000kbps.

Tried your suggestion and it did not reset my wifi speed. I'll try it again and do a hard reboot.
edit... ok it worked
I went into wifi setting, through the ics icon.
Turned off wifi, turn it back on.
Then when into the sub menu, turn that off and on again.
My network showed up, click it. It started to connent then told it to forget connection.
I then did a hard reboot, pulled the usb power cord.
Went back into wifi setting click on sub menu my network.
Retyped my password and reconnected.
Wifi signal bars in ics are now gray, not blue.
When into speed test app and just got a 6431 Mb/s.
Thats the speed of my dsl connection.
It worked in a very dysfunctional way. Give it several tries.
Now I have full wifi speed.
Hope it helps everyone.
Thanks goes out to... deadhp1 :D

Lost the good connection, now back to the flaky wifi speeds.
This is a very buggy firmwire. We need a fix and fast. This is unacceptable.
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I seem to have even worse luck than userx. The fix did not work even though I tried it multiple times in different configurations using both settings menus for wifi. At least userx was able to get his to work temporarily. I do remember I had a blue wifi signal initially when I first got it yesterday although my speeds have never been fast enough even to download an app or watch a video. I barely can cruise the web with these speeds. All I can seem to get now is a grey wifi and 54Mbps link speed for wifi. Bummer.
I do hope you get a fix for us here. I am time limited in how long I can wait to return it though so I don't know if I should just send it back and hope for a better one next time.


I seem to have even worse luck than userx. The fix did not work even though I tried it multiple times in different configurations using both settings menus for wifi. At least userx was able to get his to work temporarily. I do remember I had a blue wifi signal initially when I first got it yesterday although my speeds have never been fast enough even to download an app or watch a video. I barely can cruise the web with these speeds. All I can seem to get now is a grey wifi and 54Mbps link speed for wifi. Bummer.
I do hope you get a fix for us here. I am time limited in how long I can wait to return it though so I don't know if I should just send it back and hope for a better one next time.


Try a factory reset. This will reset the unit. Under Setting... go to... /Backup & reset/...Factory data reset, Erases all data on devise and reverts to factory specs.
I did try this before I had no wifi connection and it did help. Then applied the other stuff recommended by deadhp1. Right now my wifi is working and able to access the web and goggle market. But its not up to full speed and can't seem to get that back. It's very buggy.

If that does'nt work then send it back. This unit has bugs and will need developers and time to fix the firmwire.

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