Battery not fully charging


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Mar 26, 2011
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I am on GB leak with accurate battery sbrissen mod. The phone along with battery pop-up and battery calibrater app states it is 100% charged, but when i pull charger from phone, the accurate batt. mod states only 97%. How do I fix?


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Jan 11, 2011
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I am on GB leak with accurate battery sbrissen mod. The phone along with battery pop-up and battery calibrater app states it is 100% charged, but when i pull charger from phone, the accurate batt. mod states only 97%. How do I fix?

You can calibrate your battery stats. What is happening is what your phone is showing and what your battery is reporting are not synced. Follow the first 5 steps in post #2 in this thread:

Also the batteries in our phones have a circuit which prevents overcharging which would damage the battery. When the battery reaches 100% charge, the circuit does not allow the battery to accept any more charge and allows the battery to trickle charge down to about 95%, then accepts charge until battery is 100%. It continues this cycle until you pull the usb cord out of the phone. So after calibrating the battery with the above steps, don't worry if you pull your phone off charger after charging all night and the battery is not at 100%.
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Mar 26, 2011
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I appreciate the above post. But I can not charge the phone to 100% which is the issue, therefore I can not even do step number one. i can only charge to 97%. I should have been more specific, I apologize. The battery icon (accurate battery) is only showing 97% immediately after the full charge pop up comes up on the phone and I immediately pull the power cord.

I sat here and watched the battery calibration app after trying your above-mentioned instructions. My phone, according to battery calibration, is at 100%, so I hit the calibrate battery icon.....calibration succeeded. I then pull the plug.....accurate battery mod says it is only 97%
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Jan 11, 2011
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I appreciate the above post. But I can not charge the phone to 100% which is the issue, therefore I can not even do step number one. i can only charge to 97%. I should have been more specific, I apologize. The battery icon (accurate battery) is only showing 97% immediately after the full charge pop up comes up on the phone and I immediately pull the power cord.

I sat here and watched the battery calibration app after trying your above-mentioned instructions. My phone, according to battery calibration, is at 100%, so I hit the calibrate battery icon.....calibration succeeded. I then pull the plug.....accurate battery mod says it is only 97%

After charging the phone to 100% while it was on, did you leave the phone connected to the charger then power the phone off, and charge to 100% while off, then leave the charger connected and once again charge to 100%? This is the only way to truly charge the battery to a full, complete 100%. Then after that you wipe the battery stats either with the app or through terminal emulator. If you did all those steps for charging it, then I don't know why it is not reading the same.


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Mar 26, 2011
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Yes...unfortunately I have done as you mentioned. thats why I am also confused. Fwiw....this never happened with froyo

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Feb 25, 2011
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anybody else have any ideas? The absolute highest charge i can get is 98%. This is driving me crazy

You're not letting it charge while powered iff for long enough .. you are being impatient. Trust me, throw it on the charger, power off, forget about it for an hour, come back and you should be at 100%

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Dec 1, 2010
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guys, this not an "issue". the lithium battery will stop the charge when it wants to, the battery controls when to shut off so as not to over cahrge the battery. your phone os and the battery have to calibrate to each other. your phone and battery are out of sync. its not an issue, it just is.

on the other hand, there is an issue where the battery wont charge when asleep. its not happening to everyone. you would know if you had it because you would wake up to a battery at 50% instead of 98.


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Mar 26, 2011
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guys, this not an "issue". the lithium battery will stop the charge when it wants to, the battery controls when to shut off so as not to over cahrge the battery. your phone os and the battery have to calibrate to each other. your phone and battery are out of sync. its not an issue, it just is.

on the other hand, there is an issue where the battery wont charge when asleep. its not happening to everyone. you would know if you had it because you would wake up to a battery at 50% instead of 98. do I get them in sync? Is this even possible? Thanks in advance.

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Feb 25, 2011
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I certainly did and also performed what was told to me by him. Thanks for your help smart ass

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Then why ask gunner how to do it and if it was possible when the info provided to you by landshark is exactly that?

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Dec 20, 2010
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Hey dablitzkrieg no need for that kind of language here. Theres just a small misinterpretation of gunnermike's reply. Im having a similar problem with that on ComROM 2.0 in which the charging status at the lockscreen would show 99% charging and the battery meter in the status bar would show 100% charged. I would turn off the phone with the charger still plugged in and 10-15 minutes later it would give me the vibrate notification of being fully charge.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
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Hey dablitzkrieg no need for that kind of language here. Theres just a small misinterpretation of gunnermike's reply. Im having a similar problem with that on ComROM 2.0 in which the charging status at the lockscreen would show 99% charging and the battery meter in the status bar would show 100% charged. I would turn off the phone with the charger still plugged in and 10-15 minutes later it would give me the vibrate notification of being fully charge.
I charge the phone, follow sharks directions to a T. battery says 100%. The second i pull out the usb, it goes directly from 100 to 97%. This has happended with two separate batteries now

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