Are you smoking what Google-Motorola smoking....?


Jun 2, 2013
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Or do you see FAIL!!!...Specs don't matter are an Apple thing. A mid range phone at big boy prices..:(

Oh I know WHY they did it. I'm just like you guys - I don't think it will wash. The Moto X is supposed to impress everyone regardless of the 720p display or S4 CPU because: Software features like more no-touch voice commands, and location awareness - you know... kind of like how eye scrolling and other TouchWiz features were supposed to impress you - as well as making custom made outer shells. I guess they really believed people would respond with "hey that's great, these are definitely clear cut reasons for me to pasy as much for this phone as I would for the One or the S4!".

I think, if that IS what they're thinking, that they spend too much time listening to popular grey haired old tech media radio personalities who make too much money acting like businessmen who spent more time yesterday talking on the air about his new Audi than real tech. The execs who make moves like this are usually the stodgy old timers, not cutting edge innovators. I would totally expect a move like this from Ballmer, Balssillie, Laziridis. I'm pretty sure we're not going to get much different from either Tim Cook or Larry Page. Heins already turned out to be a dud.

The likes of Bill, Steve, and Andy are long gone, likely for a long time


Q&A Team
Aug 25, 2010
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Or do you see FAIL!!!...Specs don't matter are an Apple thing. A mid range phone at big boy prices..:(

No, I don't see "FAIL!!!"
I see, wait for it, wait, wait, "EPIC FAIL!!!!!!"

Mid level specs at a high end price.
Off contract for $350, I'd consider it. $500-600, not a chance....


Jul 23, 2013
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No, I don't see "FAIL!!!"
I see, wait for it, wait, wait, "EPIC FAIL!!!!!!"

Mid level specs at a high end price.
Off contract for $350, I'd consider it. $500-600, not a chance....

Xactly. They are TRIPPIN over at Google / Motorola if they try to price it like that off-contract. It's hard to see how they can avoid it if it's $200 on-contract. Wouldn't bother me, but I expect it would bother the people that buy it for $200 on-contract. Even if the price is right for the Play store version, I'm worried Google will sell a version that's crippled for T-Mobile like the HTC One version they sell. So far this unveiling is a train wreck, don't know what they are thinking.


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Nov 7, 2011
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I ******* hate spec whores. I can't take you guys seriously.

Posted via Android Central App

I have no problem with the specs. I have a problem with the pricing. I don't care how fast you tell me this phone is, the fact is it is using lower priced internals and charging the same price as the s4 and One. At nexus 4 build levels, we expect nexus 4 pricing. You shouldn't be defending an attempt to over charge customers by Google.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2


Retired Moderator
Feb 24, 2012
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I have no problem with the specs. I have a problem with the pricing. I don't care how fast you tell me this phone is, the fact is it is using lower priced internals and charging the same price as the s4 and One. At nexus 4 build levels, we expect nexus 4 pricing. You shouldn't be defending an attempt to over charge customers by Google.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

This thing costs approx $225 to make (in parts), which is the exact same range as the S4 and HTC One, and slightly higher than the iPhone (highest priced of them all retail). These prices exclude development, etc. and incidentally are the same costs as the Nexus 4. The Nexus did not use cheap parts, nor does this. The Nexus pricing is a subsidy, not a compromise on the device. There is no attempt to over charge. That is what they're trying to convey. This is not a "mid-range" device in any way except maybe the screen, compared to the S4 and One.


Feb 6, 2013
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This thing costs approx $225 to make (in parts), which is the exact same range as the S4 and HTC One, and slightly higher than the iPhone (highest priced of them all retail). These prices exclude development, etc. and incidentally are the same costs as the Nexus 4. The Nexus did not use cheap parts, nor does this. The Nexus pricing is a subsidy, not a compromise on the device. There is no attempt to over charge. That is what they're trying to convey. This is not a "mid-range" device in any way except maybe the screen, compared to the S4 and One.

Since you know my stance well on this matter, can you be my spokes man?

Posted via Android Central App


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Apr 14, 2011
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I love how all these people are passing judgement before using the phone... Sounds a lot like iPhone customers......

Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta


Retired Moderator
Feb 24, 2012
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Really, as long as it performs as well as or better than its competition, couldn't it be running on dual core potatoes and still be considered as good or better?


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Jul 15, 2010
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I really don't give hoot about specs, I just want a phone that performs well and handles my needs. In this product though, I don't see a reason to retire my HTC One X. There's no compelling reason for me to give up the phone I've been using to buy this phone. They're not even releasing it with 4.3. 90% of people put a case on their phone so the customized backs are just a gimmick. Also, if given the choice between the other Android phones that are priced the same and the Moto X, I can't say the Moto X would win that decision from what I have seen..

Sorry guys, it's a nice phone but it's not as earth shattering as it was hyped (and is still being hyped).


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Nov 7, 2011
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This thing costs approx $225 to make (in parts), which is the exact same range as the S4 and HTC One, and slightly higher than the iPhone (highest priced of them all retail). These prices exclude development, etc. and incidentally are the same costs as the Nexus 4. The Nexus did not use cheap parts, nor does this. The Nexus pricing is a subsidy, not a compromise on the device. There is no attempt to over charge. That is what they're trying to convey. This is not a "mid-range" device in any way except maybe the screen, compared to the S4 and One.

There's not much else to say except I think you're completely wrong and we'll never see eye to eye. Could you please post your source for the cost of parts (and by source I mean like say, ifixit, or someone who does it for a living)?


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Nov 7, 2011
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But OMG what does that mean for the ***** measuring contest that takes place when people compare spec sheets?

Listen, I see you barking the same response in every thread. Point out, in this thread, where someone is griping about the specs in comparison to the S4 or HTC One. People are griping about the specs in comparison to the COST, which is totally different. For many of us, we realize this has more than adequate specs, it's the price they are charging that bothers us. Please stop with your incessant dribble, it's really getting old and it's pretty much trolling.


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Aug 29, 2010
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Listen, I see you barking the same response in every thread. Point out, in this thread, where someone is griping about the specs in comparison to the S4 or HTC One. People are griping about the specs in comparison to the COST, which is totally different. For many of us, we realize this has more than adequate specs, it's the price they are charging that bothers us. Please stop with your incessant dribble, it's really getting old and it's pretty much trolling.

But why should it cost less than what it does? What actual proof do you have that it's overpriced?


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Nov 7, 2011
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But why should it cost less than what it does? What actual proof do you have that it's overpriced?

What determines if something is overpriced? Quite literally, if something is priced higher than the market is willing to bear. That has yet to be seen, so there is no proof. In a less contextual meaning, it can also mean something is priced higher than it's competition, or as high as it's competition despite being of inferior quality (see: the real estate market and comps). We don't know if it's going to turn out to be overpriced on the open market yet, but many of us are of the OPINION that it's overpriced compared to the competition. We are part of the market, so it's valid for us to have a dissenting opinion. Now this is a forum with thousands of different people with thousands of different opinions. You are making it a mission to be combative towards opinions that differ from your own, and quite frankly you should stop, take a second, and look at your recent post history. You are really upset that people disagree with you, and that's no way to live.


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Aug 29, 2010
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We don't know if it's going to turn out to be overpriced on the open market yet, but many of us are of the OPINION that it's overpriced compared to the competition.

Right. And why do you have that opinion? How did you arrive there? It seems to me that an opinion like that would have to be based on the assumption that it might not perform on par with the competition. Is that the case in how you formed your opinion? I mean, otherwise, how would you know? And if you're one to look at benchmarks, then the performance preview at Ars Technica shows it outperforming the GS4 in some capacities. So...?

I'm not being combative here. I'm just asking questions.


Q&A Team
Aug 25, 2010
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Remember, everyone doesn't want a high-end phone. To those folks the X may appeal.

Not rooted, Stock rom, just Awesome (NSA)

It has nothing to do with specs.
The specs are fine, the price is not.

At $199 the competition is GS4, HTC One, and the yet to be announced iPhone 5(something).
So when you compare it to those phones, people will see no real 1080p on an OLED display.
They will see 16GB (unless you are on AT&T).
Then they will move over to the $99 iPhone5-lite or whatever is $99 or below and buy that.
About 40% of the phones Apple sells are the iPhone4 varriant. There are plenty of people rock'n the Droid M.
They get them because they are cheap.
People shopping for $200+ phones are shopping specs. If you don't believe that then you don't know a lot about the smartphone market.

So they can sell an experience, and claim that specs don't matter.
In the end for a large segment of customers, they do.
They priced themselves into a high end segment with less than high end specs.
This is marketing failure. At a subsidized price at $99, they will fly off the shelves. Charge more for the custom version, if you must.
Off contract at $350-400 people like me won't think twice about buying it. At $600, I can get a new iPad or two Nexus 7's.

I bet they will come down to $99 by Christmas and $400 off contract by then also.
Supply and demand.
Remember LG, Samsung and Apple will all have something announced by the end of the year.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2010
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I wonder if there's a way to disable the "Post New Thread" button in this forum. I come here for information and this is the trash I have to sift through.

Seems to me all the complaints about the Moto X are that it isn't the Samsung Galaxy S4...or the HTC One...or whatever. Guess what, kids? There's already a phone like the GS4. It's called the GS4. There's even a phone just like the HTC One. It's called the HTC One. And get this kicker....they're both available for purchase!

Not sure what all the whining is about. You sound like Motorola ran over your dog and owes you something. Last I checked, they don't. They simply made a phone they thought would sell (and it will). Just because it doesn't fit your needs doesn't mean it's not an attractive alternative to someone else.

And that's the key word for today -- "alternative." There's plenty of them on the market right now, blessed be thy Android.

Now shaddap already.

Kevin OQuinn

AC Team Emeritus
May 17, 2010
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It has nothing to do with specs.
The specs are fine, the price is not.

At $199 the competition is GS4, HTC One, and the yet to be announced iPhone 5(something).
So when you compare it to those phones, people will see no real 1080p on an OLED display.
They will see 16GB (unless you are on AT&T).
Then they will move over to the $99 iPhone5-lite or whatever is $99 or below and buy that.
About 40% of the phones Apple sells are the iPhone4 varriant. There are plenty of people rock'n the Droid M.
They get them because they are cheap.
People shopping for $200+ phones are shopping specs. If you don't believe that then you don't know a lot about the smartphone market.

So they can sell an experience, and claim that specs don't matter.
In the end for a large segment of customers, they do.
They priced themselves into a high end segment with less than high end specs.
This is marketing failure. At a subsidized price at $99, they will fly off the shelves. Charge more for the custom version, if you must.
Off contract at $350-400 people like me won't think twice about buying it. At $600, I can get a new iPad or two Nexus 7's.

I bet they will come down to $99 by Christmas and $400 off contract by then also.
Supply and demand.
Remember LG, Samsung and Apple will all have something announced by the end of the year.

I sold phones for a year. Not once did anyone ever come in and say "I want the phone that has the Snapdragon xxxx and 2gb of RAM. Make sure it's the one that's clocked the highest." Not once. Ever.

They came in and either 1) didn't know what they wanted 2) wanted the Galaxy 3) wanted the iPhone. That covers 90% of the people that walked in to the store. The other 10% were flip and feature phone users (yeah, they still exist). They wanted the Galaxy and the iPhone because they saw it on tv. Marketing. It's all marketing.

"People shopping for $200+ phones are shopping specs." No they aren't. I think I'm qualified to say that I know a LOT about the smartphone world. I've been on three sides of it. Regular consumer (non-techie and techie), salesperson (for AT&T), and now, the tech news side.

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