I'm happy with my 4 xl


Trusted Member
Nov 21, 2012
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It's Google .. everything that involves them is multiplied a full order of magnitude... Especially anything viewed as negative, real or (more often) imagined. So if you have the phone and like it, don't let some crank with a YouTube channel convince you otherwise.

This !!! Since it's Google it gets too much attention and the YouTubers/bloggers know how to milk that to their advantage.


Trusted Member
Jan 24, 2011
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I really like the phone, I am really frustrated with the price. Especially now that I see that Black Friday sales will make it up to $400 cheaper!!! I bought a Pixel 4 and a 4XL, have always bought a Pixel or Nexus device. Loyalty to Google products doesn't pay off. I think I am done!!!

This is every year. Very well documented all manufactures give discounts on Black Friday. Early adopters always pay a premium.


Super Moderator
Feb 6, 2017
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No problem at all with making it a bit thicker for a bigger battery. I bet 95+ % of users would sacrifice a bit of thickness for more battery. Apple did it this year and I haven’t heard 1 single mention of thickness from any Apple users. They all love the battery life though.

It’s an easy way for Google to make a very good phone great.
All I'm saying is Samsung doing this without added thickness s10+,note 10+ I think others can accomplish this


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
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All I'm saying is Samsung doing this without added thickness s10+,note 10+ I think others can accomplish this

Also true.

Still ... when we get the inevitable response from Google that will go something along the lines of “we can only fit so much into the body of the phone”, we know they can make it thicker with no negative consequences.


Super Moderator
Feb 6, 2017
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Also true.

Still ... when we get the inevitable response from Google that will go something along the lines of “we can only fit so much into the body of the phone”, we know they can make it thicker with no negative consequences.


Sep 24, 2019
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With all the negative reviews/threads surrounding this phone I felt i should do my part and stop by to mention how much i am enjoying this phone.

I have always used Android phones, I owned the first Pixel XL on Verizon when it came out. I never planned on buying the Pixel, I was kind of forced into it with the exploding Note 7 event. I wasn't too thrilled at first, I had been using the Note phones for the past couple years and had grown accustom to their displays/s pens/ features etc, and the pixel seemed like a step down the ladder. I was wrong, and 2 years later when I decided to switch from Verizon to Sprint (Verizon was getting too expensive for my taste) I realized that putting down the Pixel was going to be very hard to do.

I went to the Note 8 and then to the S10+, both are great phones but neither offered what I wanted and that was a "pure google" experience. The first thing I did on those phones was install Nova and do the best I could to make everything operate like stock android. I could come close, but some things you just couldn't change without rooting the phone. When I found out that Sprint was going to start selling the Pixel 4xl I knew right away that I would be trading my s10+ in for the 4 xl.

One week in and I am extremely satisfied. The cameras are great (missing the wide angle just a little bit), the battery life is comparable to my S10+, the gesture navigation is great (as opposed to the 3 button navigation), the phone feels more solid too. I guess I'm not that upset about the missing fingerprint sensor because I had to go through that breakup from the Note 8 to the S10+ ( I was not a fan of the ultrasonic FPS) and the face unlock on the 4xl works great.

Sorry for the long post, just wanted to let people know that some of us are enjoying the new Pixel phones.

Great, thanks for your review! Enjoy...

Kizzy Catwoman

Feb 2, 2017
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Love my 4XL. Had an issue with the motion sensor at first but factory reset and now it works. Sometimes face unlock doesn't work even though I am looking straight at it. I kept my 2XL and still love it. All my banking apps are on the 2XL so that is how I get around the fingerprint sensor issue.

I like how fast the 4XL is. Battery life is great. I can get way over 6 hours SoT and I got around the same on my 2XL. The battery is bigger than my older phone anyway so it is an upgrade. I have the white version but have put a neon green dbrand skin on the back looks nice in a clear case.

The user experience of the Pixel is what keeps me in the ecosystem. Connects to my pixelbook easily and I am happy with my purchase. I am also getting a free Chromebook with my purchase so that makes the high cost a bit more bearable and I got it on buy now pay later 12 months plan so I have a year to pay it off as well.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2012
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Right on brother! Me as well, didn't need to upgrade from my 2 XL, but the 4 XL was too tempting. It's been great for me, the gesture nav, the camera and the battery life have been absolutely great. And the screen is just awesome! Perfect for me, no regrets!

I am in the same boat. Had 2XL and skipped the 3XL upgrade. Was gonna wait for a Black Friday 4XL sale but bit the bullet and upgraded. Can't say that I regret it one bit.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2015
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I've jumped in here a few times, but I will once again.

The forums should implement a " Certified Owner" tag, so reviews from NON users or owners can be separated. I have no issue in hearing anyone's opinion, but it should be limted to look and what you think the specs means. And, these reviews should be funneled to the appropriate rubish pile...I mean...their own folders.

The Pixel 4 series brings us a quandary. The phone is not the top of the line, spec wise. But....in functionality, its more than top of the lime. I've found this phone does naturally what other phones need an app for. I read some reviews calling this phone very functional....even another calling it very human. I put my Note 10+ into a drawer.

When I got this phone, it was a last minute decision on launch day. I knew I wasn't going to use...but still wanted to check it out. After about 4 hours spent getting the kinks out and updating it, I reset the device, put in my primary sim...and have never looked back. Am I happy with Google? No more or less than Apple, or samsung or Microsoft, or anyone else. Could they , Should they have done something different. Yeah...but no more than Apple or Samsung or Microsoft or anyone else. I recognize not everyone has the same needs. There are people that need high FPS or wide angle this and that. But I put that in the same category as people that get high powered Nikon cameras over the kodak pocket camera. You have a need and a niche...got for what fits that niche.

I'm not ever going to climb a ladder and drop my phone off to see if it breaks. I don't know the correct word is to describe people that do this..but idiots is close.

I'm not a google fan. Nor am I an apple fan. But I own several android phones now...and an ipad pro...along with my surface devices. I'm more impressed with the ability of these devices to interact. On a whim yesterday I factory reset my P4xl. Within 20 minutes it was restored, updated, and reconnected to Airpods, ipads, Samsung tabs, bose headsets, galaxy buds, my surface devices, my galaxy watch, my fitbit... Pics I take easily sync to shared folder on Onedrive...or icloud as needed. Samsung claims its link to Windows is really cool. Guess what Pixel 4 links to windows too...just as fast and automatic.

Notice I've not mentioned battery life...no need to.

I'll never regret picking up this phone. Its a keeper


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2012
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Love my 4XL. Had an issue with the motion sensor at first but factory reset and now it works. Sometimes face unlock doesn't work even though I am looking straight at it. I kept my 2XL and still love it. All my banking apps are on the 2XL so that is how I get around the fingerprint sensor issue.

I like how fast the 4XL is. Battery life is great. I can get way over 6 hours SoT and I got around the same on my 2XL. The battery is bigger than my older phone anyway so it is an upgrade. I have the white version but have put a neon green dbrand skin on the back looks nice in a clear case.

The user experience of the Pixel is what keeps me in the ecosystem. Connects to my pixelbook easily and I am happy with my purchase. I am also getting a free Chromebook with my purchase so that makes the high cost a bit more bearable and I got it on buy now pay later 12 months plan so I have a year to pay it off as well.

There is something about the user experience on the Pixels that keeps me coming back as well. I briefly went from a 2XL to a OnePlus but returned the OnePlus after 1 week. Personally I was more content with the user experience on a 2 year old Pixel more so than a new OnePlus.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2013
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On topic though, I'm extremely happy with the phone. I've been following the industry for years and this is all noise. The phone glitterati, as a collective group, act like a bunch of 12 year old girls... Once an opinion is 'in', it instantly becomes the end all be all.

Case in point... Wide angle cameras. Not but a few years ago, the tech press was snickering at LG because they used a wide angle second camera rather than a zoom. They all thought it was the dumbest thing since New Coke.

Now, I had a G6, and the wide angle thing was pretty cool, hardly a dumb choice. But I also didn't take too many shots that way... And it settled into a 'nice to have, but I don't need' category.

Flash forward to today. Ermahgerd! Wide angle is the greatest... No phone feature has ever been as awesome as this and any phone that doesn't have one if a piece of crap. All because it was Apple that said it was a must have thing and not LG.

But this isn't new... Every fall, the noise machines dump all over Google's phones when they are released.. Nexus 5 felt too cheap, Nexus 6 too big, 6p was too weak, pixel was a mid range htc, p2 had a POS display, DAT NOTCH, 3a back to being too cheap.

Funny thing, I've had (or I bought one for a family member) every one of these and each and every one was a great phone. My 2XL performed as well on day 730 as it did on day 1... Oh, and I never once took offense at the supposedly horrendous screen.

And so far, the 4xl is a great phone... It runs great, takes great pics, does everything I need my phone to do, and does it extremely well. And I have no reason to doubt that two, or maybe three years from now when i move on, I'll be just as happy with it as I am now.

It's Google .. everything that involves them is multiplied a full order of magnitude... Especially anything viewed as negative, real or (more often) imagined. So if you have the phone and like it, don't let some crank with a YouTube channel convince you otherwise.

Agree absolutely. I am at work. My 4xl just arrived...and I am sad to give up my 2XL. She has served me very well and now my son gets to enjoy it.


Moderator Team Leader
Apr 17, 2012
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The forums should implement a " Certified Owner" tag, so reviews from NON users or owners can be separated. I have no issue in hearing anyone's opinion, but it should be limted to look and what you think the specs means. And, these reviews should be funneled to the appropriate rubish pile...I mean...their own folders.

Uh no thanks. I am not volunteering myself or my team to have to tag every member that comes here. Nopeeeeeeeeeeeee


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2015
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$400 if you are adding a line, and even money it'll be bill credits
I think last year best buy $400 off was immediate credit and the remaining balance was spread 24 months which you can pay off immediately with Verizon. Bill credits are only if you buy thru carrier. Anyway we will know soon once the details of the offer are out.

Here is the verge article about best buy pixel 3 $400 off deal last year which confirms that it's not bill credit.

I really like the phone, I am really frustrated with the price. Especially now that I see that Black Friday sales will make it up to $400 cheaper!!! I bought a Pixel 4 and a 4XL, have always bought a Pixel or Nexus device. Loyalty to Google products doesn't pay off. I think I am done!!!
Target will have $300 gift card as well. We shop at Target every week. SO this is as good as cash lol. That's a serious discount.

I am holding tight to my Note 10+ though. With Google take the free original quality unlimited cloud backup away, there is really not much to make me ditch my Note 10+.

Will wait until pixel 5 and Note 11 to see who wins me over again.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2011
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Went from the 2 XL to the 4 XL. I got it the first day out, and Verizon gave me a $450.00 credit for trading in an old phone I had that just sat in a drawer, Without the credit I might not have upgraded, and waited. The upgrade to Android 10 really affected my battery life on the 2 XL UGH!!!!

Wireless charging is really nice, face unlock is good, but I would have strongly preferred to have a fingerprint scanner in addition to. Battery is good, buy battery life is like money, who does not want more?

I am 100% in the cloud, so I got the 64 GB, but that was pretty chintzy on Google's part. Lot's of other people needed more.

The phone is really smart and just seems to know what I want. The continuity of the Pixel experience was important to me.

The new assistant is better, but not all that much.

My wife has the Note 9, I am still jealous of her display. Big area for improvement.

Yes, I would have liked stronger specs at the same price point or less. Who would not?

Bottom line, this phone is smooth and fast, battery life is fine, I never have to hassle with it all, and yeah, I do love it.

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