check 2nd gmail account


Feb 19, 2010
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I have a primary gmail account that I use for personal. My office has a gmail account that I would like to see without having to be in the office. The only problem is I dont want to have them marked as read so the office lady will know which ones she still has to take care of. Is there a way to do this? Will a 2nd account make my battery life worse? Thanks.


Trusted Member
Jan 3, 2010
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I have a primary gmail account that I use for personal. My office has a gmail account that I would like to see without having to be in the office. The only problem is I dont want to have them marked as read so the office lady will know which ones she still has to take care of. Is there a way to do this?

With the Eris, the built-in gmail app supports only one gmail account (at least until the 2.1 update is here. However, this is probably what you want anyway.

There is another mail application called mail that lets you set up POP or IMAP email accounts. This should meet your needs quite well. You can set that second gmail account for POP access and manually setup the account on the Eris to access the account using POP. This will leave the messages marked as unread on gmail for your office colleague while still allowing you to read, reply, delete, etc.

Will a 2nd account make my battery life worse? Thanks.

There's the rub; yes, it will, a bit, depending on how often you set mail to check for mail (every 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, etc.)


Feb 19, 2010
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There is another mail application called mail that lets you set up POP or IMAP email accounts. This should meet your needs quite well. You can set that second gmail account for POP access and manually setup the account on the Eris to access the account using POP. This will leave the messages marked as unread on gmail for your office colleague while still allowing you to read, reply, delete, etc.

Thanks doogald! How do I manually set it up? I am running the 2.1 leak and see the mail that has imap/pop setup in it. That sounds exactly like what I want.


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Jan 3, 2010
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Thanks doogald! How do I manually set it up? I am running the 2.1 leak and see the mail that has imap/pop setup in it. That sounds exactly like what I want.

First, while logged into the gmail account from your PC, go to "Settings" and then go to the "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" section. In the "POP Download" section, you'll want to Enable POP, and for "when messages are accessed with POP" make sure that it's set to keep mail in gmail's inbox.

I still have 1.5 on my Eris, so 2.1 may be different, but start the "Mail" application. Chooose "Other (POP3/IMAP)". There is a button on the bottom that says "Manual setup" - choose that.

Protocol is POP.
Email address is obvious, the full email address.
Username is the same as the email address.
Password is obvious.
POP server is
Security type is SSL
that should change server port to 995
Tap "next"

That will verify account information. The next screen is the SMTP server settings.

login required should be checked.
username and password should already be filled in
SMTP server is
security type is SSL
that should change the port to 465

Tap "next"

It'll ask for account name and your name (account name is just to distinguish it within the Mail app, if you have multiple accounts set up. Your name is the name that will appear in the "From" field when you send messages.)

Tap "finish setup".

That should open the account. You can press "Menu", "More" and "Settings" to set notification settings (whether you get notifications for mail), send &receive settings (how often it will check, how much of a message it will download at once, to avoid downloading full attachments until you want them. And when you go back to the account, you can press "Menu" and "Refresh" to download the messages.

I hope that helps. Again, it may be that 2.1 changed the settings a bit, but that should give you enough to get started.

Jerry Hildenbrand

Space Cowboy
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Oct 11, 2009
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If you're running the 2.1 leak -

settings -> accounts and sync -> add -> google.

Adds a second Gmail account with push notifications. Use the stock Gmail app, and the menu to switch accounts.


Trusted Member
Jan 3, 2010
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If you're running the 2.1 leak -

settings -> accounts and sync -> add -> google.

Adds a second Gmail account with push notifications. Use the stock Gmail app, and the menu to switch accounts.

The only issue with that is any time that you read (or delete) messages from the account, it will affect the messages on gmail on the web as well, so that a second person accessing gmail from the web would see the mail as already read (or not see them, if they are deleted or archived), which is not what the original poster wanted.

You could do it this way still, just being careful to mark messages as unread after you read them.

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