Pre users that have switched over


Jun 5, 2010
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Its taken a while to adjust to not having cards to swipe. Now I fly through the device like a pro. I have my scene set the way I want it and I am enjoying it!


Jun 22, 2010
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As a Palm to Evo convert I have to say, I'm loving it.

I love that there are so many layers to the OS. With Palm, I felt like I was always limited in what I could do and just had to deal with it. With Android I'm finding that more of the "advanced" features that I might think of are already there - perhaps not in plain sight and several layers down, but they are there. And for those things that the phone doesn't do natively, the HUGE Market (compared to Palm) has been a source of constant entertainment.

I miss the cards, I miss the keyboard to an extent, and I definitely miss being able to sync two exchange accounts for work - but other than that I'm blown away by Androids ability to not make me feel like I have to play in the OS's playground and let me go and do whatever I want to do.


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Jun 26, 2010
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I had a Pre from the very beginning..never exchanged it...started to get stress cracks all over the EVO and it just felt more complete..really good phone...i love the apps.. im sure thr thing will only get better with Android 2.2


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Jun 6, 2010
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I had 2 Pres. launch day one that got stress fractures in December. They finally swapped it in April after long bouts of irrate customer (me) discussions with service center managers, call center directors, etc.

Don't misunderstand me. I think the WebOS is most likely the most innovative and easy to use mobile OS ever created, but the hardware kept the potential love affair to a weekly booty call. Hmm maybe not the best expression... Moving on...

Android has much less polish, but it allows you to do so much more with it. You aren't locked into anything. This is really what open source is all about. The democratization of your wireless handset allows you to do what YOU want to do with it (within very loose parameters) and that scores huge points on WebOS in it's current iteration as you have to download an application to apply user created patches that make the device more versatile and usable.

I've returned one launch day EVO and went back to my Pre for two weeks. I must admit that the return to the Pre was rather grueling and unsatisfactory. I ordered one from Bestbuy Thursday and got it last night. I'm sold on the OS and the handset as long as we get 2.2, better than 30 fps by some means, and there is continual development by the community. The last part I dont think we have to worry about. This is something I loved about Windows Mobile. The development community was/is so robust you could get nearly anything you needed/wanted.


Jun 3, 2010
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Faithful Palm user for like 8 years here. From the Sprint Treo 300, 600, 650, 755p, then the Pre. It was a painful, thought-out decision to switch (for many reasons) but the attraction of the EVO and the possibilities of Android (and the fact I was in 'upgrade' territory as a Sprint Premiere customer) was too much to bear . . . so I switched about 2 weeks ago.

It's different. Not as 'elegant' as WebOs. And . . . I couldn't care less. Within 6 hours of playing/reading/learning about Android and the EVO - I will not return to the Pre. It's a no-brainer for me. This device is so far superior to the Pre in terms of speed, hardware, specs, apps, and a FUTURE I'd feel like an idiot for not doing this earlier - but for the fact that the EVO just came out a few weeks ago.

I'm not a fanboy of Palm, but a fan of the 'best' for me (in terms of phone carrier, price, hardware, apps, potential etc...). That was always a Palm phone for me. No more. And with Palm so behind the curve now, I don't see them ever catching up with Android. I've a certain degree of faith that HP/Palm will come out with an amazing 'Pre 2'. But WHEN? We've never even gotten a whiff of a hint of something new (don't mention the fabled 'C40'. That mystery has been around forEVER). I didn't see the point in waiting anymore. 'Pre 2' prob won't be out for another year - in time for my next Premier upgrade. But in that 'year' (or however long) - HOW MUCH FURTHER WILL ANDROID BE THEN? A hellavuh lot probably. That's why I believe, even if HPalm comes out with the most technologically advanced phone w/in a year, plus WebOs 2.0 (or whatever) where will the apps be? Who will be developing and working on WebOs in that (yes, assumed) 'year' long hiatus? HPalm will still have been standing still while all that time Android is getting better, and better, and better, and . . .

If I'm wrong, I can always jump back. But as it stands now . . . Android on this amazing EVO can do all the essential things I loved on my Pre - and more. And faster. There simply was a bit of a learning curve.

Like I started, I love/loved the 'elegance' of WebOS. I don't see why Android can't get there too. Even if they don't - it's good enough with so much more in terms of amazing hardware and apps (am I repeating myself now? too lazy to go back and re-read my diatribe :) )

It broke my heart to leave Palm after all these years. It breaks my heart that Palm could've done so much more and I didn't have to do this. (haha, I'm getting a little absurdly over-dramatic now over a stupid piece of tech!)

BUT . . .

I can scarcely imagine being any happier with the switch from Pre to EVO. Learning something new and awesome every day about Android and the EVO.

Good luck to HPalm. For this Palm 'traitor' - Android and the EVO FTW!!!

(oh, and thanks to all on this site. Made the transition so much smoother. This will be my homepage in the same way that Precentral was & served me well for over a year.)

whew. that was a bit much and pretty thin on actual data on what I've done with my EVO to ease the transition from Pre. Maybe I'll do a streamlined post later with actual tips for those in the same boat as me (which I what I was looking for when I saw this thread).

Too much coffee . . . :)
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