I can't seem to wait for my Sprint ota. anyone more a trick

Joshua Kirkland1

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2013
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By the way, my auto correct got me on that thread title. So please no snarky comments, well maybe a little snarky won't hurt.

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Joshua Kirkland1

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2013
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I'm answering my own question, 4 days after update was released I awoke to the same "up to date" status so I went to Google framework and cleared the data 3 times the soft resetting and nothing. During that time I got 3 alerts about enabling google apps location to which I replied no. After reboot I cleared framework data 3 times then I said yes to apps location and restart. BAM! I have an update. 20 minutes later, lollipop and no real difference. Rock on G3!

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