Recent content by a dumb cat

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    [Closed] Win one of two ASUS Transformer Primes with keyboard dock!

    I love Android Central! It is my first place to surf every day (after I get that boring "work" stuff done first). :)
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    Evo 3D Software Update August 18

    Re: update is available I'm installing the update now (Los Angeles). I hope the speakerphone is louder and the green camera pics issues are solved. Other than that the EVO 3D has been performing above my expectations and very little to complain about. Don't know if the update rollout is...
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    My e-mail icon not showing the correct # of unread emails

    Have you enabled the app to scan additional folders other than the inbox? This gave me incorrect readings for the number of unread emails, until I figured out this was the reason why. Don't know if that will help.
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    Wifi Problems after 30-60 min Online

    I have the same issue. I knew of this setting and enabled when I first got the phone last month. Everything was running okay until a few days ago when it would mysteriously just drop a connection in the middle of browsing. It happens about 1-2 times a day now. Turning on/off the connection...
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    Cosmetic Issue - Black Scraping Off around Brim

    I have not experienced this yet, but honestly I don't care about cosmetic damage. As long as there are no dead pixels, the screen is not cracked and the hardware and software buttons function properly, I could not care less how "pretty" my phone is. I just means I'm using it, and whatever...
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    access IM People app

    I tried, but it failed to open until now. It took restarting the phone 3 times and signing in/out of my google account to get the darn thing to start working properly. I thought it was really odd that there was seemingly no dedicated app to gchat, when in fact the phone was just freaking out...
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    access IM People app

    I've been having an issue with chat/sms integration on my EVO 3D. SMS is very straight forward - threads are formed when people text you and you get convenient notifications to launch the Messages app. However I cannot for the life of me figure where to get to my google IMs. Sure, I'll get a...
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    The official bloggers review thread.

    I hear a lot of complaints about how 4G drains the battery. Understanding the limitations of the technology on phones, wouldn't the phone maker implement some sort of "intelligent" 4G activation? Like, turning it on when you're trying to stream a youtube video, but turn it off when doing some...
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    Help me pick my new phone!

    My sentiments exactly about HTC (reading the first batch of reviews is not promising) and Motorola (never liked their phones). I wonder when Samsung will release its successor to the Epic 4G? Whether it has a keyboard or not, I really like the Super AMOLED Plus screen that comes on Samsung...
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    [Closed] Win a free HTC ThunderBolt from Rebtel

    Yay for contests! I officially throw my hat into the ring. Please don't step on it, it's a nice hat. :)
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    Sprint + Transform + Froyo ???

    And how would the average person get the update? My friend, who is not very good with this kind of thing, does not want to update her phone unless it's a legit OTA update. If a hard wipe or the swupdater are the only way to get Froyo on the Transform, this is a huge oversight by Samsung and I...
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    Are there any other dual-core phones coming to Sprint?

    Have you seen the sales numbers for the Nintendo 3DS? They are quite amazing. I am of the opinion that 3D - of the autostereoscopic variety - in portable devices (gaming devices, media players, phones and tablets) will take off. The 3DS is proving there is a market for it. I do not think the...
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    Nexus 4g

    I'd be torn between this (Nexus S 4G) and the Shooter by HTC. Having that kind of problem is a good thing if you're on Sprint. :) I'm looking forward to next week's CTIA, so I can possibly jump to Android from my Sprint Palm Pre.