Recent content by alphasigmookie

  1. A

    Amazon MP3 app

    Not sure. I would just claim from a computer and then save the album to your cloud drive. it will show up on your amazon MP3 app as soon as the purchase is complete.
  2. A

    Data Freeze?

    I've had issues where my Rezound has issues connecting to the mobile network for a while in areas I know have good service. If I restart the phone it's fine and connects everytime, but the restart takes forever! Pretty frustrating. Happens 2-3 times a week. Also happens occasionally on WiFi...
  3. A

    Streaming w/ screen off

    I know some apps keep working when the screen is off. Is there any way to set the browser to keep streaming with the screen off? Sometimes I have videos I just want to listen to and don't want to have to worry about keeping the screen awake. I can't seem to find a setting. I have background...
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    Battery Use Monitor and Extended Battery

    Is anyone else having issues with the built in battery use monitor with the extended battery? Mine doesn't seem to want to refresh or track use in real time. Mine still shows the battery use from yesterday. Not a huge deal with the extended battery as I make it through the day no problem and...
  5. A

    Scratched screen

    How bad is the scratch? By the end my 3gs had plenty of scratches but I never noticed them when using it. A few scratches are a small price to pay to not have to deal with an ugly screen protector that lowers the sensitivity of my high tech touchscreen device.
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    Will i get 8 hours?

    It depends. The display is the real battery killer here. I get 9-10 hrs with normal use, but in a boring meeting or on a long car trip using it like 100% it can drain the battery in 4-5 hrs
  7. A

    Rezound+Bluetooth+iPad= oh no internet

    I think you'll have to pay for the mobile hot spot service that Verizon offers for $20. There may be unauthorized 3rd party apps that will allow it too, but I'm not sure.
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    Newegg selling for 149.99 with new/extended contract

    Oh Amazon is amazing for most things, I certainly spend WAY too much money there, but there was no way to convert my wife's individual plan to a family plan, they told me I'd incur a $250 fee if I bought the phone as an individual and later combined accounts or even if I added my corporate...
  9. A

    Newegg selling for 149.99 with new/extended contract

    I picked up mine last friday from Target mobile for $99 on a new line added to my wife's plan. Had tried to do the Amazon $0.01 deal, but they were a pain to work with. Target was a lot better. I think it's now $149, but still a good deal on a great phone.
  10. A

    Blank Yahoo emails in HTC email

    Glad to hear I'm not the only one with this issue. Posted about it earlier today. I'm just using the Y! mail app for now and I think I like it better than the stock one anyway.
  11. A

    Do you have a problem with the reflectiveness of the screen?

    Ok on my walk to work i noticed it quite a bit. Still not as bad as my 3gs was, but was still a bit of an issue. I did notice however that the reflectiveness of the screen was plenty to check my hair!
  12. A

    Anyone else having problems with stock mail app?

    I'm using Yahoo mail and maybe 10% of my messages are showing up blank. Anyone else having this issue? I downloaded the Yahoo mail app and they show up there so may just use that. Have to say so far mail disappointing compared to my 3gs.
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    My problem with the insurance is that it doesn't cover like half the possible ways to break or lose a phone. I'll take my chances with my 3 month amex damage protection and extended warranty, along with the fact that the off contract street price of my phone is likely to drop by half in 6 months
  14. A

    Do you have a problem with the reflectiveness of the screen?

    Just got mine, noticed the same thing in the store, but haven't had any issues yet. Small price to pay for such a beautiful screen!