Recent content by Chris

  1. Chris

    [Closed] Android Central Stocking Stuffers - Dec. 3 entries

    Bound to win one of these...
  2. Chris

    [Closed] Win an AT&T HTC One X+ (US only)

    Win a device that Jerry wants and can't have? This sounds like my kind of giveaway!
  3. Chris

    LG Nexus 4 System Dump, apps, wallpapers and sounds

    Here is the LG Nexus 4 System Dump. Everything is intact and it includes all of the apps, sounds and wallpapers. Everything is available to download with mirrors here: [Download] LG Nexus 4 System Dump – Android Task Force Hit the thanks/like button if you can.
  4. Chris

    [Closed] Android Central's Million Member Giveaway!

    I know where you live Streater, just remember that....
  5. Chris

    [Closed] Announcing Android Central's Nexus 7 a Week giveaway!

    I would love to win a Nexus 7 to give to my parents for their Anniversary,
  6. Chris

    It's gone, what do you want?

  7. Chris

    It's gone, what do you want?

    Device has been sold.
  8. Chris

    Goggle Now - Football???

    Well it should work now since you can manually add your favorite professional teams in the latest update. Now if only we could get college football.
  9. Chris

    Official Signal Strength and Reception Thread

    You are by far the biggest troll in the Android community. First it was how every carrier but Sprint sucked, then Verizon and now T-Mobile. wtf?
  10. Chris

    Photos Taken With Your Galaxy S3 Camera!

    Atunyote Golf Club Verona, NY
  11. Chris

    XBMC... for Android.. Nexus Q... thoughts..

    I broke mine already. :(
  12. Chris

    Can you turn on screen with home button?

    Well I would, but I don't have one.
  13. Chris

    Can you turn on screen with home button?

    Can you unlock the screen by pressing the home button on the international Galaxy S III? If the screen is completely off, does the home button do the same thing as the wake/sleep button? Looked around and couldn't find anything. Thanks
  14. Chris

    Unlock screen with home button?

    Can you unlock the screen by pressing the home button on the international Galaxy S II? If the screen is completely off, does the home button do the same thing as the wake/sleep button? Looked around and couldn't find anything. Thanks.
  15. Chris

    Hi, my name is Chris

    Hi, my name is Chris and I am here to annoy Cory Streater. You can usually find me trolling posts, but occasionally actually doing something productive.