Recent content by CPan

  1. C

    Has anyone had any battery swelling on their Samsung Galaxy S20+ 5G?

    Just had the same problem last night. I’m on Verizon in the US. Put in the insurace claim last night, $199 poorer and the replacement should be here today. She was having issues over the past few days where the phone showed at >60% charged but it would just shut off. When restarted it showed 0%...
  2. C

    Bluetooth connectivity issue with car? anyone else?

    What radio do you have and what uconnect software version are you running? I get one contact per phone number for every contact in my list and a blank one with no numbers which is probably from WhatsApp or something. This is response to all that have uconnect systems and it's working.
  3. C

    Contacts "Merge with Google" Option....

    So we just upgraded to the Verizon-branded Galaxy S3 and imported all contacts to my wife's phone (she had a Sprint Treo 755p). We then sync'd her Google contacts to the phone. This resulted with her having many duplicates between the PHONE and GOOGLE. I haven't found enough information on the...