Recent content by DeZsa

  1. D

    ICS on HTC EVO 3D constant lock?

    Thank you so much for the help. :)
  2. D

    ICS on HTC EVO 3D constant lock?

    Now that I did not do.
  3. D

    ICS on HTC EVO 3D constant lock?

    Ohh. Ok. I'm 1.4 and I did flash the kernel.
  4. D

    ICS on HTC EVO 3D constant lock?

    Still pretty new to my rooted EVO 3D so I'm completely clueless about what's going on with my upgrade to ICS. I know about the bugs but my problem was definitely not stated in the bugs list. Every 5-7 seconds my screen turns into the colorful... abstract startup screen (I have no way of...
  5. D

    Web Page Unavailable w/ WiFi Tethering?

    I rooted my HTC EVO 3D a couple of weeks ago and now my account for my phone has been cancelled by the person who gave it to me. So now that I can't text or call, (or have wireless connection because of my high school), I'm stuck with nothing. So I decided to tether my phone for my own wifi...