Recent content by Drayton

  1. D

    [Closed] Android Central 1 million posts Galaxy Tab 10.1 contest

    I would love to have this tablet! They're kind of out of my price range, a freebie would be awesome!
  2. D

    My Attempt At A Lego Dock for My Droid X

    Hah. I tried. But ran out of the colors.
  3. D

    My Attempt At A Lego Dock for My Droid X

    I've noticed quite a few lego docks, and I thought I'd give it a shot with the bin full of legos from my childhood. It's simple, but I'm pretty proud.
  4. D

    Inventory Query - Verizon Stores Well Stocked?

    Verizon this evening... I'm going to try to put this into a good perspective for all of you. It's not really news, just some things you might like to know. I live in a medium-large sized town in South Carolina. It's big enough for a verizon store on each side of town and ofcourse the dealers...
  5. D

    Will I be missing out?

    The Eris is gross :(
  6. D

    Will I be missing out?

    I haven't heard too much about the Droid 2, and I'm wondering if that's because they don't want slow sales for the X. I really plan on getting the X, but I'm worried I'll regret it when the 2 comes out. I'm not worried about the physical keyboard, I'm just wondering if the Droid 2 will have some...
  7. D

    Does the X have "scenes" like the incredible?

    I've heard that function is pretty useless anyway. The incredible has scenes, and when you get 7 screens for each scene, it gets kinda ridiculous keeping everything the way you want. The droid X does have 7 screens though, which i think is plenty to have a workspace, a social screen, and...
  8. D

    Droid X User Manual and Launch Kit

    Ah, my summer reading for the next week.
  9. D

    Verizon shipping Droid X Early?

    Ah so unfair! I wonder if they'll replace my Curve for just being crappy.
  10. D

    Got some Droid X time!!!

    So pretty.. that huge screen makes my mouth water.