Recent content by EpicAbcdude

  1. E

    S7 can barely get 6 hours of battery life

    I played pokemon go for around 20 minutes, and then closed out of it completely through the manager, even after rebooting the phone and not opening pokemon go, it still burns through a decent amount of battery. I just turned location services to GPS only, it seems like that may have helped...
  2. E

    S7 can barely get 6 hours of battery life

    I bought my Galaxy S7 from AT&T last monday, and i've been loving it a lot. But a few days later, I started to notice how bad the battery life was for me. at first I could barely get around 4 and a half hours without dropping below 20%, so I uninstalled facebook. The first day of having it...
  3. E

    Closed settings while transferring an app to my SD Card

    Just got my Samsung Galaxy S7 monday, and i've been loving it ever since. Today I got a 128GB Samsung Evo+ MicroSD to store my larger apps, pictures, movies and music. Everything was going smoothly, transferred everything I needed onto it, but then on the last app transfer, like the ***** I am...