Recent content by fifolo

  1. F

    Apple admits reception issues... their statement is a joke...

    Shows you their opinion of their customers' ability to think critically. This is the kind of stuff that works on fish.
  2. F

    ADW versus Launcher Pro on EVO

    After adding Quick Desk and Folder Organizer "starred" apps in the notification bar to Launcher Pro, I think I could get by with a single home screen...
  3. F

    ADW versus Launcher Pro on EVO

    The bottom launcher is the clincher. 15 icons there, combine that with 5 rows per page, and something like Folder Organizer, and a clean interface is will within reach. It is then possible have a nice live wallpaper, like Beautiful Live Weather, and just use the bottom 3/5 of the screens. With...
  4. F

    Camera really is bad

    Agree, the camera is a disappointment. I didn't expect it to set the world on fire, but really, my Nokia N95 generated much better images. And didn't suffer from the flash from hell that ruins half of them right out of the gate. Putting an 8mp sensor in jut to inflate the specs is self defeating.
  5. F

    Bad Wi-Fi Range

    Count me in as having bad wifi range. Once I leave the home office, just a one room over and it's just hanging on. Another room and it drops to unusable.
  6. F

    How to control the Evo's quicked flash?

    Is there a way to control the Evo's aggressive flash? It wants to fire both flashes all the time, or so it seems, washing out way too many pictures. I am at the point where I might just take a permanent marker to it....
  7. F

    SlideIT, Swype, and Shapewriter. Some notes.

    Thanks for the tips, guys. I had read something along the lines "select the word then hit space tolearn" with understandably frustrating results... Agree with nightfishing, it would be nice to have some confirmation that it learned the word. Additionally, you can't tell if it knows the word...
  8. F

    SlideIT, Swype, and Shapewriter. Some notes.

    I have been trying different keyboards recently, I was surprised at how well the swipe recognition technology works. I am a somewhat clumsy typist, but had little difficulty using these keyboards. I had read of the learning curve involved, but really, you can get the hang of them in 15 minutes...