Recent content by Orionsaint

  1. O

    Nvidia Shield TV finally got the Marshmallow update. (It's now live)

    Works great. Got it on SD Card internal storage. Bad news is it messed up the configuration of my Gamesome app. Took me months to edit and organize :(
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    I managed to get Minecraft Story Mode running on the Nvidia Android TV device.

    It runs very well and has gamepad support and it even has the leanback launcher code. I suspect this game could be coming to Android TV very soon.
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    3 Quick Questions

    Netflix does not support 3D.
  4. O

    SHIELD Android TV very initial impressions

    The Nvidia Android TV is more than meets the eye when you first get it. In other words you can do everything it wants you to do on it but then you can sideload, root, add storage. There's a lot of fun to be had experimenting.
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    expand storage

    I couldn't do it. I use a micro sd card to expand my storage for apps and USB stick for other forms of storage.
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    Only One Google account at a time

    I tried and couldn't do it.
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    Shield TV and Netflix

    You're better off buying the Shield Android TV. It doesn't get any better when it comes to Android TV.
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    Amazon app store

    Yes you can sideload it, but now it's called Amazon Underground.
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    Turn off Wireless Controller?

    Great answers guys
  10. O

    [Closed] Win a Galaxy Note 5!!!

    The Display. The quad HD 2560 x 1440 resolution pixel-packed 518 pixels per inch screen sounds amazing!
  11. O

    Vizio Co-Star Get Something Else

    I'm having the same problem. I made a video to show what happens, Vizio Co-Star (No Audio)