Recent content by whiteltng

  1. W

    [Closed] Win a Galaxy Note 5!!!

    I would love to win a Note 5. Will probably get one one when it's time for an upgrade but free is better. That S-Pen looks cool.
  2. W

    Share your Galaxy S5 camera photos, videos, and thoughts!

    Outside the Library of Congress.
  3. W

    Share your Galaxy S5 camera photos, videos, and thoughts!

    Inside the Library of Congress.
  4. W

    Share your Galaxy S5 camera photos, videos, and thoughts!

    On my way home yesterday.
  5. W

    Notification Tray Buttons

    They are both on Sprint.
  6. W

    Notification Tray Buttons

    My wife and I just got S5's on Sunday. When checking the quick setting buttons in the notification panel they are different on the 2 phones. She has Toolbox, U. Power Saving, Private Mode, Touch Sensitivity, and Smart Pause. I have none of these. Hers has Car Mode and mine has Hands free. I...
  7. W

    [Closed] Win one of two Nexus 5 devices from Android Central!

    I would love a cool new phone!
  8. W

    [Closed] Win a Nexus 7 prize package from Nvidia and AC

    I have been wanting a tablet, this would be great. Thanks AC.
  9. W

    Battery life thread

    Just downloaded Battery Circle for my Evo. Like this better than the battery widget I had. I like the fact that it is always in my notification bar no matter what screen I am on.
  10. W

    [Closed] 500,000-member giveaway - WEDNESDAY

    More juice for my Evo would be good!