XYBoard Update rolling out


Well-known member
May 17, 2010
Looks as though an update is rolling out for the Xyboard today (both models). There was no mention of stability improvements or speed enhancements, however, I am hoping that this fixes the random freeze-reboot issue.

If anyone installs the update, please report back.

The freezing issue on my 8.2 happens more than once an hour with continued use. Unacceptable in my mind.
I'll keep an eye out for an update and let you know if I notice any differences.

I just read the press release about the update and it includes improvements to the touch response. Good news, I always felt like mine was a bit worse than the Xoom.
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This update did NOT fix the freezing update. Motorola had to be aware of the issue since their are messages on their own support pages as well. Pretty frustrating that this was not fixed.

Even the new 'The Daily' kept crashing on me!

With constant use, the freezing issue is becoming more of an issue. It has happened while listening to music, playing games, watching a video, browsing the web, etc...

It is hard to *trust* a device when it crashes constantly. Why would I want to work on a paper, or attempt to get a high score, or edit a picture, or edit a video, or even watch a movie when I know there is a really good chance that within a few minutes it is going to freeze and reboot on me?

---Off my soapbox!
So, what are the chances if I return my device to Verizon within the trial period and show them the numerous posts (both here and on Motorolas site) related to the freezing issue that they are still going to charge me the $75 fee to bring it back?

I am sure the answer I will hear is that it is a software or an app issue and that it will be fixed. Well, it was not fixed in the latest update so what makes me think it will be fixed in the next?

Thoughts? Are they going to charge me the $75? If I print out these messages, will it help me out?
So, I contacted my Verizon sales lady and she promptly hooked me up with their regional Motorola Sales guy. She said to give him a call and he would help me out...

At first I thought this guy could care less about one persons tablet and then I thought that this guy is a salesman and not a technical support guy... However, I sent him an email with all the issues, links to 3 separate forum links of issues, etc...

He responded to me immediately and hooked me up with his 'personal' tech support guy who said to dump the Google+ updates as well as unhook Google Latitude from my account (turn it off) and see if that fixes it.

As of right now, I am Freeze free for almost 4 hours. That may not seem like much, but I was freezing/rebooting every hour or so.

Try it if you are experiencing the same issue and let me know your results. I will post back as well.
Spoke too soon.. I have had it lock up twice in the last hour. Sorry for the false alarm.
Has anyone with a Wi-Fi XYBOARD been able to download the update as of yet? I try to force it daily but no go as of yet.

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