Screen Overlay Detected error on Marshmallow.

Eli Linares

Jun 30, 2014
I have found an error several times already which reads:

"Screen Overlay detected" to change this permission setting, you first have to turn off the screen overlay from Settings > Apps

I then click on "Open Settings" and it takes me to the "Draw over other apps" area under Settings, I then scroll down to the app for which the error is being generated for and once I open it there's a setting to "Permit Drawing over other apps" but it's grayed out, it won't let me either enable it or disable it.

An app I just installed called "KeepSafe" won't even open unless I change that setting, Any ideas what I might be doing wrong or is this a bug on Marshmallow?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help
I was getting that on my moto x pure running marshmallow. Just needed to pause twilight to stop it from happening. Other similar apps, such as lux would likely cause same issue.

Posted via the Android Central App
Thanks, based on what I read on those threads I was able to get the app to start and run by disabling the Screen Overlay setting for ALL apps, but now how do I get back into that configuration to re-enable it back for the apps that had it enabled previously? I don't seem to find it.

PS: Never mind, I found it, Settings> Click on the Gear icon on the top> Draw over other apps.
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This occurs when you have any software that extends battery life example battery doctor. you can uninstall the app and enable permissions the reinstall and eveything should be fine
This occurs when you have any software that extends battery life example battery doctor. you can uninstall the app and enable permissions the reinstall and eveything should be fine

How do I identify whether an app is twilight or not.. I am using op2 and jst got a software update installed and now having serious trouble because of App permission which I am unable to change
I don't have any of those apps but still can't work. When I go to draw over other apps, the toggle to on/off is grey :(
I have a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and I found this message throughout several apps. I think that this might be happening with any app that lets you control the "blue light", not just Twilight. I downloaded Buzz Launcher which also lets you turn the "blue light" off and on in its launcher settings. I found that if I keep the blue light setting turned OFF in Buzz Launcher, I no longer get the "screen overlay detected" message with the grayed-out app switches. So... you might want to check if you have an app that lets you control the "blue light" and keep it off to see what happens... :-[
I don't have any of those apps but still can't work. When I go to draw over other apps, the toggle to on/off is grey :(

Turn Off and stop Clean Master or any similar app that prevent high battery usage, any app that helps your battery last longer, any app that helps your phone working economically. I FORCE STOP Cmaster and then I could grant any permissions to any of my apps
Has anyone thought about just rebooting the phone? That's what I did in my Galaxy Note 5 and it solved the issue. I have no Twilight or Lux app in my Android OS so that's not an option.
Close any chat heads such as facebook messenger think it hapends when something else is on the screan i closed the chats and it worked
I have found an error several times already which reads:

"Screen Overlay detected" to change this permission setting, you first have to turn off the screen overlay from Settings > Apps

I then click on "Open Settings" and it takes me to the "Draw over other apps" area under Settings, I then scroll down to the app for which the error is being generated for and once I open it there's a setting to "Permit Drawing over other apps" but it's grayed out, it won't let me either enable it or disable it.

An app I just installed called "KeepSafe" won't even open unless I change that setting, Any ideas what I might be doing wrong or is this a bug on Marshmallow?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help

I had same problem. Just close "side key panel" in notification panel.
it's not really about FB chat heads. I take it as a bug, basically you can't add a permission to any app as long as there's an app with screen overlay enabled at work (which could be, amongst others, also FB chat heads), for a lot of people it's Twillight - an app that changes the color of the screen depending on the time. No disturbance for any app, just adjusting the color and you have to turn it on and off just to give any app a permission. That's not a fix, that's called a workaround, and a dirty one at that
Hi All,
Thanks a lot for the solution by senior members.
My 2 cents.
I was having Clean Master installed on my OnePlus One and getting same error. Disabling iSwipe option in Cleanmaster solved my problem.
Anurag :)

PS - Apologies for posting in wrong forum but concept is to help and try to find the culprit.
it's not really about FB chat heads. I take it as a bug, basically you can't add a permission to any app as long as there's an app with screen overlay enabled at work (which could be, amongst others, also FB chat heads), for a lot of people it's Twillight - an app that changes the color of the screen depending on the time. No disturbance for any app, just adjusting the color and you have to turn it on and off just to give any app a permission. That's not a fix, that's called a workaround, and a dirty one at that

For me I have isolated the app causing the screen overlay detected issue as Bing. I Uninstalled it and all works now.

I fixed this problem on my Galaxy S7.

When the app promps you and says "Screen overlay detected" you should click on it, then it brings you to a bunch of apps... Turn everything off and you will be allowed to change the permission settings with no problem.

this problem has hindered me for a few weeks, I also have the Nexus 6p but Google came out with an updated that fixed it automatically.