[CM9 Themes] Slate, Afterburner, Volcano, etc. - HDPI/MDPI


Themer. You've seen them
Jul 11, 2011
CM9 and CM10 themes for MDPI, HDPI, and XHDPI

A.C.R. Development


Download links are below each theme's screenshots, the links to the free downloads will direct you to each theme's individual support page where you can find links to mediafire. To see more screenshots, visit the Google Play page, I wanted to limit the size of this page


CM9 Zombie Apocalypse

Download for free from Google Play


CM9/CM10 Aurora

Download from Google Play for $1
Download it for free on Google Play


CM9/CM10 Slate


Download free on Google Play


CM9/CM10 Afterburner

Download free on Google Play
Or download the paid version to show your appreciation



Download from Google Play for $1
Download for free by visiting my site



Download from Google Play for $1
Download for free by visiting my site


CM9 Yellow Bird.

Download from Google Play for $1
Download for free by visiting my site


CM9 Hot Pink - For the Ladies :cool:

Get from Google Play for $1
Download for free by visiting my site

Alternately, you can visit my home threads for all these themes at The Digital House of Treats

AND, if you have suggestions, or bugs, or comments, I'll be happy to answer them here or at the link provided above;)
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Re: [CM9 Themes] Slate, Afterburner - MDPI

For the Afterburner red theme, do you just use a macro color replacement of some sorts, or do everything by hand? I only ask because I'm curious if it is easy for you to churn out more colors. (Not making a request, I prefer the look of stock ICS, just curious.) The Slate theme looks nice too. Nice work.
Re: [CM9 Themes] Slate, Afterburner - MDPI

Excellent question.

As I've been getting deeper into theming, I realized that its ridiculous to do everything by hand, and if you've ever looked at the cm9 themes on the market, you'll see that Sonny Sekhon has about twenty different themes. Thats so much work to manually edit them.

When I started to make the cm9 themes, I had to start completely from scratch, write my own code, and find all the pngs myself (for cm7 you can just kang the cyanbread theme and edit for your liking), and I quickly realized after manually renaming a hundred pngs that it was freaking ridiculous (wow AC just censored a non foul word...) and I'd never get anything done...

What did I do? I wrote a program that wrote all the XML for me, saved me hours of work (you can see the program over at Digital House of Treats | You know you want it.. Combining that with a batch renaming program I found, I was able to build a working template out of the ics apps in an hour.

I wanted to batch edit the pngs and apply a filter, and I found a program that did it for me. EXCEPT that it wouldn't change the hue, so Slate was made by just desaturating 2000+ pngs in a few minutes. To change the Hue, I looked and looked and looked, tried writing a python script to do it, failed and just gave up and MANUALLY edited 1000+ pngs (yes that many) for Afterburner this morning. It only took like an hour and a half because I've become pretty proficient at it :p

I'm hoping to find a batch editor that works with color, but right now I'm stuck with manually editing color.
Re: [CM9 Themes] Slate, Afterburner - MDPI

I know Photoshop does macros, if that's helpful at all. Looking forward to more themes from you.
Re: [CM9 Themes] Slate, Afterburner - MDPI

Using afterburner and I love it! Do you have any plans on doing a green version? That would be awesome! Actually I thought I could run it, but I guess, there is no theme chooser yet... Can you make it flashable?
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I might make a green version but sorry I can't make a flashable version. If you want the theme Chooser, the sprint ICS cold as ice has the theme Chooser, and tdm is bound to include it soon in quattrimus.
Way to go man! Your themes look freaking great, plus the names match too! Now too bad I'm only running Harmonia 1...

Sent from outer space
Re: [CM9 Themes] Slate, Afterburner - MDPI

Thanks for posting this I had to look through the CAI thread to find your cm9 theme! Look cool!
Re: [CM9 Themes] Slate, Afterburner - MDPI

hey anthony, how did you get the themes to be an apk. UOT is just giving me flashable zips....
Goody goody... after some more nearly fruitless searching, I found a little known batch processor plugin for gimp. Now I can work quicker.
Re: [CM9 Themes] Slate, Afterburner - MDPI

Computer at our business has photoshop installed. I'm not sure if its much use but maybe we can remote the computer. youre more than welcome to use PS. I don't mess around a lot with it, I think my wife is better at it to be honest :p your editing sounds like its a bit complicated? if not i can do it
Computer at our business has photoshop installed. I'm not sure if its much use but maybe we can remote the computer. youre more than welcome to use PS. I don't mess around a lot with it, I think my wife is better at it to be honest :p your editing sounds like its a bit complicated? if not i can do it

Thanks, but I am using gimp and it edits just fine. I just use commands in the command prompt and it will recolor images in batches. I was able to make three themes yesterday because of shortcuts I've been making.

The only reason I made that many though was because I want a rainbow theme and in order to do that I already have to make every color. So why not release them all;)

Also... maybe my editing sounds complicated, but more than likely its just the way I said it. I have a habit of making things sound way more complicated than they really are:p
Well, just updated the OP. There's three new themes. That was lots of fun:p

Volcano looks pretty sexy! I don't buy much from the play store, but you've got me tempted... Nice work!

Sent from my LG-VM670 using Android Central Forums
Really like the slate theme, bit you can't see links in Google talk and the copy paste highlight thing can't be seen.


I really like that purple one, but I'm broke....
Really like the slate theme, bit you can't see links in Google talk and the copy paste highlight thing can't be seen.

Click to view quoted image

I really like that purple one, but I'm broke....

Ha, those links... I have to fix that. It took me by surprise when I thought I sent a blank text one day after sending a link. I'll try to fix that.
Thanks, but I am using gimp and it edits just fine. I just use commands in the command prompt and it will recolor images in batches. I was able to make three themes yesterday because of shortcuts I've been making.

The only reason I made that many though was because I want a rainbow theme and in order to do that I already have to make every color. So why not release them all;)

Also... maybe my editing sounds complicated, but more than likely its just the way I said it. I have a habit of making things sound way more complicated than they really are:p

A rainbow theme? :D I would totally buy that :D you could call it skittles or somethong xD

Sent from my Cybertronian QuattrOV using Tapatalk 2000 (Now With Teleka-Typing!!!!)