Galaxy Note 10.1: 4.4.2 KitKat Update


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Oct 3, 2013
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I repeat, don't hold your breath waiting. I too saw the February announcement. It reminded me of similar, equally hopeful one regarding an impending global upgrade of my GT 7.0 Plus (GT-P6210) from ICS to JB. Did it happen? Yup. Did it happen in the US? Nope. Eventually I rooted the device and flashed the UK version of the ROM and I was happily on my way although I eventually "gifted" the device and replaced it with a GT 3 8.0.

After a major, official upgrade from HC to ICS, an OTA/Kies upgrade to JB the GT 7.0 Plus never happened in the US despite the announcement from Samsung. Just sayin'.

Well, I live in Europe and my device(s) are (hence) carrier free too. And I dont believe they will shoot their leg letting customers in usa to be without the update. This is still one of their greatest tablet/phone they ever made. They also made this announcement both in usa and europe. Although they said it will depend on (again) carriers in usa. Btw why do you buy carrier-bound devices?? Isnt that the same as shooting your own leg by letting them to decide whether or not... And bloatware... Cant you just buy the the device and then choose the contract?

Sent from my N8000.


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Aug 2, 2012
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I have a wifi-only device (N8013), so I have no issues with carriers - all the bloatware is provided by Samsung :). I agree that the GN 10.1 is a great tablet but as for Samsung not shooting itself in the foot in the US, the point of my previous post is that that's exactly what they did regarding the GT-P6210 upgrade. That's why I have low expectations this time despite the February announcement. Even so, given the wonderful capabilities of this device as well as those of the new Note and Pro offerings, I remain a happy user and very likely will be a future customer of theirs.


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Aug 29, 2012
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They will update this, BECAUSE it is at the end of the life-cycle. Why? Because when they do, the "old" hardware won't be able to run as well as the new version. Thus, they expect people will get frustrated with the lagging and lockups, and go out and buy a brand new tablet. They just hope people will be sucked into their ecosystem by then, and get a newer Note. It's what happened with my GS3, and they probably expect me to go out and buy a new GS4 or GS5. But I'm not.


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Sep 21, 2010
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There needs to be a reevaluation on how tablets are treated in the software CM cycle especially by Samsung whom seems to just chug out minor tweaks as it pertains to the hardware and focuses more on the software ...

Tablets have sided with the phone market on the model used for updates, but they need to be thought more as a laptop in order to sustain the market imho.

Sure companies will lose revenue at first so I doubt this will happen, but perhaps having the no carrier versions come out every 4yrs instead of every 2 would benefit not only innovation and new models having real changes other than more ram and a better CPU... but also mean folks would move to newer models less reluctantly and limit the number of models oems support.

I really like the 10.1 but it's not sustainable for a two year old device to be considered EOL especially given price point (compared to phones as their subsidies with carriers which is the main reason people sign up with big carriers) and specs which are more than adequate.

I hope we get 4.4.2 but I agree that Samsung can say whatever they want, if they wait a few more months technically they can claim the device EOA/EOL and not have to.

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Aug 29, 2012
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Whatever you say.

Yes. Cuz I am genus.
All kidding aside, planned obsolescence is a very real thing, and they want your money. Everyone has done this for years, Samsung is no different. In the case of software based consumer electronics, they basically don't put enough effort into updates. They can say, "See? We're trying to put an effort into keeping you up to date!", when it's a half-hearted effort. All the money is in the new device, so that's where all the effort goes. They probably have hundreds of people working on new products, with only a handful tackling updates for existing equipment, so it's not going to get fleshed out as well as it could be. It's a double bonus for them. They don't pay out as much to keep old product current, and when you get frustrated, they hope you buy their new product.


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Apr 10, 2014
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A bit off subject, but this is why Google should take control of Android. That way when a new version comes out it will automatticly be installed. I hate to say but Microsoft and Apple have a leg up here. Carriers and HW developers can not make "their" version of Windows 8.1 or iOS. Google needs to focus on the OS and the HW vendors need to make HW. That will force the HW vendors to innovate and bring the cost of the HW down. I work at one of the HW vendors and the Windows tabs we build are so much easier, we have actually started to put vanilla Android on our tablets so that the users can update with out us holding them back.


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Oct 3, 2013
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And for samsung, they are only flooding the market. Every fking inches, every pixel densities, minimal hardware changes and million differend kinds of models from the same device. That is the real reason why updates take time if they ever come.

Sent from my N8000.


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Jan 3, 2014
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Hi all,

Does anyone know how long it takes to roll out to other areas, im in the UK with a N8010 model.


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Jun 3, 2013
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I have the GT-N8013 Note, wifi only, bought August '13. It is running Android 4.1.2. It's never been ungraded except for the first time I booted it.

My Galaxy S3 is running Android 4.4.2, and was bought in May '13. It's had all the updates because it is linked to a carrier (Sprint).

I'm not holding my breath my free spirited Note will ever be upgraded like my chained S3. I love both of them. But the lack of updates for the Note has made me hesitate to purchase at least three tablets so far for friends and family. Granted, I didn't buy another brand, either, but if Samsung would show just a wee bit more "we still care even after you forked over the cash", I'd spend more money. A lot more money.


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Oct 3, 2013
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Kitkat is already rolling out... it is only matter of time. Unfortunately havent seen any schedules... It may take days, weeks or months.

Sent from my phone - Note 10.1 (N8000)

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