Only 18% are going back to the Note7


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Apr 20, 2014
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Samsung Galaxy Note 7 users opt for iPhones, cash: survey

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 users opt for iPhones, cash: survey

This unfortunately does not surprise me. It's really only Samsung/Note enthusiasts that will hang on. All other non committed phone users will just look for something else. As I said before, the battery issue wouldn't stop me from getting a note 7. I personally wouldn't get one because of mixed reports of lag and signal reception.


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Jan 19, 2014
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My country should have at least 80% staying with Note 7, because we have no options to refund or change to other Samsung phones lol


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Dec 2, 2011
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I posted a topic suggesting that samsung offer a 50 discount (to be used in their name only when buying a new note 8 or 9 valid for 2 or three years) to anyone that pre-ordered the phone and took delivery. Sure I know they wouldnt make money short term but better than loosing all their hard core fans. Maybe a million of them for good.
I pre-ordered in Thailand mid August and Samsung still cannot give a date depends who you speak to some say next month others say November or December. Who is going to wait till December Samsung has done a terrible job in Asia that represent about 50 percent of there sales.


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Sep 3, 2010
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Uh.. this is a USA today survey monkey way to validate of the shipping 507 users that took it (which by the a sample so tiny NO one would claim and kind of statistical viability), were even Note 7 owners....


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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I posted a topic suggesting that samsung offer a 50 discount (to be used in their name only when buying a new note 8 or 9 valid for 2 or three years) to anyone that pre-ordered the phone and took delivery. Sure I know they wouldnt make money short term but better than loosing all their hard core fans. Maybe a million of them for good.
I pre-ordered in Thailand mid August and Samsung still cannot give a date depends who you speak to some say next month others say November or December. Who is going to wait till December Samsung has done a terrible job in Asia that represent about 50 percent of there sales.

I don't think true Samsung fans will be lost. I wouldn't consider the Note 7 but am more than happy to look at the S8 or Note 8 to replace my S5. In fact, when I am ready to replace my S5, Sammy will be my first choice. But we all know that us Samsung fans are in a minority.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2014
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I posted a topic suggesting that samsung offer a 50 discount (to be used in their name only when buying a new note 8 or 9 valid for 2 or three years) to anyone that pre-ordered the phone and took delivery. Sure I know they wouldnt make money short term but better than loosing all their hard core fans. Maybe a million of them for good.
I pre-ordered in Thailand mid August and Samsung still cannot give a date depends who you speak to some say next month others say November or December. Who is going to wait till December Samsung has done a terrible job in Asia that represent about 50 percent of there sales.

How would these people be hardcore fans anyway if they need this huge incentive to stay? They would likely get the S8 at 50% discount and sell it to buy the iPhone 8 :D


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Apr 26, 2013
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That's what I did. Moved on to iPhone, I just hang around here to keep up with whats going on.
SS should just kill the N7 or I guess at this point they've already lost a ton of money so they might as well get what they can out of it.

One thing is for sure the next note should be rock solid although scaled back spec wise. I do hope they go with a non glass back.
And to all you reviewers out there...stop with the premium feel garbage, please and thank you. Plastic and metal are wonderful materials to use for phones. They can still do curved front glass using plas...I'm sorry polycarbonate. :)


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Apr 4, 2016
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again, media. Unless the entire world is under communism and forced to take a survey regarding anything, they're kind of useless.


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Apr 14, 2014
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So they'll be a lot of phones for new customers. There are still people who want it I do. My local morning news just talked about the replacements.


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Oct 21, 2015
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That's what I did. Moved on to iPhone, I just hang around here to keep up with whats going on.
SS should just kill the N7 or I guess at this point they've already lost a ton of money so they might as well get what they can out of it.

One thing is for sure the next note should be rock solid although scaled back spec wise. I do hope they go with a non glass back.
And to all you reviewers out there...stop with the premium feel garbage, please and thank you. Plastic and metal are wonderful materials to use for phones. They can still do curved front glass using plas...I'm sorry polycarbonate. :)

Lol not much to see here.. Replacement phones are being delivered. People are getting them, and as soon as the 21st goes by, hopefully this forum can go back to normal. And can hopefully start filling up with useful and informative post about something other then the recall. Wouldn't that be lovely? Haha


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Jul 20, 2010
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Wonder what the number would be if the carriers were not involved. Maybe the survey should have been which carrier is making the recall the biggest pain in the ***, and we all know Verizon will gladly accept that trophy again.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
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Uh.. this is a USA today survey monkey way to validate of the shipping 507 users that took it (which by the a sample so tiny NO one would claim and kind of statistical viability), were even Note 7 owners....


I third of 500 people. So, 170 people said "..." Come on ..

All that said, this has hurt, and I expect a lot of N7 owners have in fact had second thoughts.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2015
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Uh.. this is a USA today survey monkey way to validate of the shipping 507 users that took it (which by the a sample so tiny NO one would claim and kind of statistical viability), were even Note 7 owners....

Wow...skimmed the article and was going to go back and see if those stats are listed..507 responses for a voluntary survey that folks had to find and participate in...not a good sample at all.

What is true is that a lot of people have switched; the only Note 7 forums I have been lurking at are this one and XDA; I'm surprised at the number of people who have moved or will move to the iPhone. Looks like a good device, but if folks who hang out here are moving to an IOS device then I would imagine that regular folks probably have higher numbers.

But the survey as quoted above seems like garbage to me. Could have written the same article just by hanging around here.


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Jun 7, 2012
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I third of 500 people. So, 170 people said "..." Come on ..

All that said, this has hurt, and I expect a lot of N7 owners have in fact had second thoughts.

If a sample is random, 500 is more than enough. Your margin of error is not going to diminish significantly with more samples.

This is not a random sample, but it's often shocking that 'statisticians' bring up complaints based on now it isn't a valid sample size just cause they don't like the answer. This sample is skewed because it isn't random and likely doesn't represent the overall user base....sample size is fine.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
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What is true is that a lot of people have switched; the only Note 7 forums I have been lurking at are this one and XDA; I'm surprised at the number of people who have moved or will move to the iPhone. Looks like a good device, but if folks who hang out here are moving to an IOS device then I would imagine that regular folks probably have higher numbers

It might be a fair number, I agree. But I bet if a poll was done in these forums, the % that are staying would be pretty high actually. The loud angry folks are usually noticed in forums more.

Still I agree, a lot overall will flee for various reasons ..


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Jul 23, 2011
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507 users that took it (which by the a sample so tiny NO one would claim and kind of statistical viability)
That's not true. With a sample size of 507, it turns out there's better than a 95% chance that your survey result will be within 5% of the true value, provided it's a random sample. But it's not. The sample here is self-selected. And that (rather than the sample size) is what undermines the validity of the result.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
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If a sample is random, 500 is more than enough. Your margin of error is not going to diminish significantly with more samples.

This is not a random sample, but it's often shocking that 'statisticians' bring up complaints based on now it isn't a valid sample size just cause they don't like the answer. This sample is skewed because it isn't random and likely doesn't represent the overall user base....sample size is fine.

If you feel it's valid, cool. 170 people from a voluntary survey that folks had to find and participate in. We don't even know if these folks HAVE the phone :)


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2012
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If you feel it's valid, cool. 170 people from a voluntary survey that folks had to find and participate in. We don't even know if these folks HAVE the phone :)[/]

Read what I wrote. I said it was not valid due to how they sampled, the sample size was fine if it was random. You and others attacked it for sample size, which would be fine if the sample hadn't been a self selected online survey.


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Apr 26, 2013
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There was/is a poll in this forum and I think more than 1/2 were leaving or at least returning their current N7.
Its really not a big deal. If you like the N7 then you'll get it. If you're indifferent like me and just like tech you'll probably move on and wait and see what's coming next year or at least hold off to see what Google has coming out.

Heck Samsung has lost so much money on this phone they had to sell 4 companies to stop the bleeding. I'm sure they'll be looking to move on asap.

I will say this the reason I went to Apple is the N7 just trashes every other Android phone out there right now, so I just went with something I've never done before just to give it a try.