mhl to hdmi to hdmi audio/video splitter


Dec 7, 2012
Galaxy s3 > mhl to hdmi > hdmi input to hdmi/3.5 stereo outputs

Hdmi output goes to my hd monitor
3.5 audio goes to my computer speakers (aux input)

Will this work?




Sorry for the screwy image sizes. Make sense now?

Thanks for any help.
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Links arent workin for me bro but what do the sound outputs look like at the end?
Far easyer gettin a headphone jack to phono output ;)

Ps. For HDMI out, it MUST be built specificly for s3...... mo other phone, even s2 :(

Unbranded international s3 with Official JB. Paisley, Slotland, Western Europe :beer:
It should be a simple answer, and I'm pretty sure it WILL work, but just wanted to run it by someone who knows a bit more before I make the second purchase. I already have the cord.
The MHL on the S3 has double the pins that all others, so the MHL cord must be an S3-specific one
Not sure if this will work or not. You want to make sure the HDMI Splitter you buy is HDCP and EDID compliant and supports the Galaxy phone.
You're going to need a (11-pin) MICRO USB to HDMI cable for your input as well. Looks like the 'MINI USB' port is for powering the device. The Samsung MHL will be less hassle than this option.
Thanks for the replies. The pictures I posted may be misleading... the cable I have is the one meant for the Galaxy s3 as shown below


So, given that I have this cable, do you think it will work? The pin issue confuses me, will this cable make the difference or is another one necessary?

Assuming that box actually works, I don't see why it wouldn't work with the MHL adapter - it outputs a standard HDMI signal.
Doesn't your monitor have an audio output already? Or are you just not satisfied with the sound coming from the built-in speakers? You could always connect the HDMI output to a stereo receiver and drive some really good speakers that way.

Sent from my rooted, debloated, deodexed Sinclair ZX-80 running CM -0.001 using Tapatalk 2
Yes I generally run it to a large stereo system. My sub and satellite speakers are a temporary substitute. Thanks for the help. I'll purchase and follow up.

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