Facebook "Log in to sync applications"


Apr 29, 2013
Ever since the first day I bought my Galaxy S4 I'm having an annoying message come up ever time I log onto the Facebook app.
Every time I log on it comes up "Log in to sync applications".
I get 3 options :-
1. Sync all
2.Sync with existing contacts
3. Don't sync.

I have selected all three options in the past and it still keeps coming up constantly.

Please help me get rid of this quick as its bugging the hell out of me.
Thank you so much for your help in disabling that darn annoying pop up to sync whenever i logged on to facebook. Found that SNS and disabled it.
Im using a Galaxy Tab 2 and settings are the same to disable as mentioned.

Thanks again
Just a quick thankyou - force-stopping SNS removed the notification from the top bar without me touching it.
I'm taking this as a good sign that disabling it will stop the popups!
Thank you so much for your help in disabling that darn annoying pop up to sync whenever i logged on to facebook. Found that SNS and disabled it.
Im using a Galaxy Tab 2 and settings are the same to disable as mentioned.

Thanks again
Great - thanks found and disabled - GRRR go away facebook sync, information sharing overload!!! Thanks again :)
Before I disable SNS, does anyone know if it does anything other than facebook integration that will be affected by disabling it?
As far as I can tell, SNS allows Samsung-specific widgets and portal apps to post to social networks and send you updates. For instance, the stock Twitter widget is supposed to present updates on your preferred sync schedule. SNS is also used to pull social content into portal and aggregation apps like Flipboard. It also allows you to sync your FB and Twitter contacts to the stock contact app without having the actual dedicated FB or Twitter app installed.

In other words, if you have the FB and/or Twitter app (which likely have their own, better-designed widgets anyway, as well as their own built-in contact sync preferences), SNS is completely redundant. Just more Samsung duplication and bloatware.

Follow-up: I disabled SNS, and I'm still getting FB and Twitter notifications via their dedicated apps/preferences, and I can still share photos from Gallery to FB and Twitter via the share menu, so no functionality lost ;)
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Anyone know how to stop Galaxy Note 3 from constantly asking me to 'update my Security ' on my phone. It apparently wants to talk to Samsung servers n stuff ...but I'm not fond of thinking about Google or Samsung people capable of knowing things from what websites I visit. ..to going through my contacts n pics n everything on my phone. I hate to sound all ' paranoid ' .... but WE R loosing more n more of our " privacy " everyday !! So I'd like to hang on as long as I can. So far I just keep denying the ' update ' request. I have EVERYTHING app wise disabled n forced stopped as it is. I also reset my phone back to factory once a month ...just to keep all my cache n hidden files cleaned. But this request just started a month ago ..after my routine reset. Because just before I did the last reset ....I attempted to install some software ...n I got the FBI warning pop up telling me I could possibly be trying to install something illegal or " in violation of US laws " ... which I thought was hilarious !! Since i gave 14 yrs to " God n Country "....But then I thought maybe it was a virus. ...so I hurried n reset my phone just in case. Lol. Anyway. ..some help would be appreciated! !

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