Water Damage to my S4...an Adventure begins


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Apr 10, 2011
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Well, yesterday I went rafting with friends and I put my S4 into a plastic bag. Then I fish it out of the bag and...it's submerged in water -_- I had it turned off beforehand but this is bad.

I opened the thing up and extracted the mainboard at a table at In N Out, and wrapped everything in paper tissue and took it home like that. I'm pretty impressed that I didn't lose a screw while crammed in a table with so many people and food everywhere.

Today I gave all the parts a soak in isopropanol, a bit of 99% that I had left, and then I got more 91% from the store. Liquid dessicant, since the azeotrope is ~70%.

I know I probably shouldn't have tried to do this but I turned it on, and things are a bit interesting. The thing actually does turn on, but the screen and all LEDs are totally dark except the touch buttons at the bottom. Screen does not respond. Connected to the computer, I can use a program I had installed to take screenshots on my computer, and lo and behold it actually boots successfully! However, there is no cellular signal, and the disturbing thing is that the case is heating up like crazy as if I were playing a movie and the battery level is dropping rapidly despite being connected to the charger. It shall sit for a few more days then.

Kelly Burby

Nov 26, 2013
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Well, yesterday I went rafting with friends and I put my S4 into a plastic bag. Then I fish it out of the bag and...it's submerged in water -_- I had it turned off beforehand but this is bad.

I opened the thing up and extracted the mainboard at a table at In N Out, and wrapped everything in paper tissue and took it home like that. I'm pretty impressed that I didn't lose a screw while crammed in a table with so many people and food everywhere.

Today I gave all the parts a soak in isopropanol, a bit of 99% that I had left, and then I got more 91% from the store. Liquid dessicant, since the azeotrope is ~70%.

I know I probably shouldn't have tried to do this but I turned it on, and things are a bit interesting. The thing actually does turn on, but the screen and all LEDs are totally dark except the touch buttons at the bottom. Screen does not respond. Connected to the computer, I can use a program I had installed to take screenshots on my computer, and lo and behold it actually boots successfully! However, there is no cellular signal, and the disturbing thing is that the case is heating up like crazy as if I were playing a movie and the battery level is dropping rapidly despite being connected to the charger. It shall sit for a few more days then.

Well, what I can say here its all bad luck I think you have to wait more while... i.e. You need to put it under the bag of silica get I know isopropanol is a good thing but tell you what sometimes it damages some or the ....... well now I can see the you device is been .... I'll say walk to the store for fixing and next time do remember to remove the battery and soak it over the rice or over the box of silica gel for 2-3days. Another thing is once the phone gets wets it totally depends upon your luck so there is no need to think about .....

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