Switch from iPhone to Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge , should I do it?

Feb 3, 2014
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Re: Switch from iPhone to Galaxy

It sounds to me like you are too committed to Apple. I wouldn't make the change if I were you.

I will say that one of the things I love about Android is that I can have a Samsung phone, but I don't have to have a Samsung watch. I have an Asus Zenwatch. I adore it. I have no desire to get the S2, but there should be no problem in using my Asus watch with my new Sammy phone.

I'm probably leaning more towards staying with Apple. iMessage is the killer for me. I actually had the Huwaei watch for a few weeks with my iPhone. Probably the nicest android watch I have seen. Just a pain in the **** to use it with an iPhone. I went to look at the S7 today and I was really impressed with it, but I think I'll stick with Apple for now.


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Oct 14, 2015
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Re: Switch from iPhone to Galaxy, should I do it?

I once integrated myself into the Apple ecosystem, and when I went to Android getting out of it was such a pain in the neck. Took me months to detach myself from iCloud completely with email and calendar, as well as music and some movies. That's one thing about Google that makes life easier, is that they have just as much interest in supporting the iPhone as they do their own Android phones. I never feel like Google products are inferior on the iPhone outside of Apple's own limitations on third party software.

Even if you stay with the iPhone, detach yourself from Apple when it comes to services. It's not worth tying yourself to one boat. You'll never know when you want to try something new and you're stuck.


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Jul 18, 2010
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Re: Switch from iPhone to Galaxy, should I do it?

I once integrated myself into the Apple ecosystem, and when I went to Android getting out of it was such a pain in the neck. Took me months to detach myself from iCloud completely with email and calendar, as well as music and some movies. That's one thing about Google that makes life easier, is that they have just as much interest in supporting the iPhone as they do their own Android phones. I never feel like Google products are inferior on the iPhone outside of Apple's own limitations on third party software.

Even if you stay with the iPhone, detach yourself from Apple when it comes to services. It's not worth tying yourself to one boat. You'll never know when you want to try something new and you're stuck.

iMessage is probably the number one reason why people don't switch. iCloud, however, isn't much of an issue as there are apps to sync calendars and contacts and email works out of the box anyway.

But to be honest: why use iCloud in the first place? I'm definitely not a Google fanboi and I more or less like Apple, but their cloud services have never been up to par. Outlook.com and Google Services have always been the better choice both in terms of functionality and reliability.


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Jul 13, 2012
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Re: Switch from iPhone to Galaxy, should I do it?

I can't help you with your questions but all I can say is that I am so glad that I switched when I did cause I was so bored with iOS.
It's scary to make the switch but you can try it and go back if your not happy.


Mar 5, 2016
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Re: Switch from iPhone to Galaxy, should I do it?

Can't you use Google Hangouts to send and receive SMS messages on both your phone and online using the
website or the Chrome extension? This would replace iMessages..


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Jun 28, 2010
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Re: Switch from iPhone to Galaxy, should I do it?

Google is working on something similar to iMessaging. They have just purchased Jibe Messaging and plan to have RCS type messaging .

But, if you are embedded in the Apple system it might be a sign to stick with them for a little while.


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Jun 28, 2010
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Re: Switch from iPhone to Galaxy, should I do it?

Problem is Hangouts may be getting rid of SMS soon. I wonder if it ties into Google's recent plans of RCS messaging and their purchase of Jibe.


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May 11, 2013
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Re: Switch from iPhone to Galaxy, should I do it?

don't think of this so much as apple to samsung....look at it as going from the apple services to google. the samsung features will add to the android experience.
i am heavy in the google verse with a couple personal gmail acc's...my comp used google docs for business...photos....cal..maps..on and on. these services/apps are embedded and work more seamlessly with any mid/high end android device. cool thing is you can use these services with apple but it just is not the same experience ie the gmail app.
until you are truly ready to cut imessage, you most likely will be pre-ordering the iph 7 in sept.


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Feb 28, 2016
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Re: Switch from iPhone to Galaxy, should I do it?

I have the iPhone 6+ and switching to the S7 Edge. I think they are the same size, but the S7 specs and features are better in every way from what I have seen, even better than the newer 6s+ and even on par or better than the "rumored" iPhone 7.

I have used the S5 before and want more flexibility, more ways to customize, access to more apps even adult ones :>. Apple and Android have some of the same apps, but Apple seems to restrict features that Android allows. Apple also does not allow a lot of apps so while there are a lot of apps, variety can be limited. Even getting a simple ringtone can be a hassle unless buying direct from Apple.

I also want to get away from iTunes as every update gives me a problem I have to Google to fix it, it seems to load all kinds of other programs and slows down my computer. When I close iTunes on one of my computers a process will not shut down and uses a lot of cpu and I have to end it manually every time.

Don't get me wrong, I really like my iPhone 6+, its a nice phone, but it's more like I out grew it. My dad and some older relatives all have and love their iPhones, I just want more.


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Feb 28, 2016
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Re: Switch from iPhone to Galaxy

My biggest issue is how to integrate all my Apple products with a Samsung phone. I already use Google Photos for backing up my pictures, Google Docs\Sheets and Gmail for email (I was actually a beta tester way back in the day). Here are some of the things I love about keeping everything Apple that I don't want to lose, and if someone that has made the jump can help me navigate how to not lose these features I will be in much better shape to make the switch:

It's not hard, you just adjust to doing things a different way. You are way to far on the Apple side of things to ever feel right for you IMO. My dad is the same way, he has liked some of the Android phones, but doesn't really want to have to learn new ways to do things and just jump in and make the change. He wants to do this this and this like you are and I try to explain this is Android there are no direct replacements to some of the things, you just do them a different way "if" you can.

I am switching from the iPhone 6+ to the S7 Edge and I am just diving in and going to wing it and adjust.

You can use Might Text to get the same txt on your computer and Gmail, but not sure if it works on Macs. ALso Google Voice works on your computer and phone at the same time for txt.
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Mar 10, 2010
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Re: Switch from iPhone to Galaxy, should I do it?

So I'm more so on the poster's side on this one trying to figure out if I want to make the switch back to Android for the 3rd time. I too have had some concerns about the iMessage side of things and doing some research based on the RCS info in this thread I have come across "Verizon Messages+". It seems to have that feature of having messages synced across devices. It even has an iOS app. If you aren't on VZW, perhaps the other carriers have embraced RCS as well and have an app that does this?


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Feb 21, 2013
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Re: Switch from iPhone to Galaxy, should I do it?

Why can't you use both phones?

I probably use my Note 5-S7 Edge more than I do my iPhone these days but there are still things I like using the iPhone more.

With iTunes, there is an app that you can install on a Mac that keeps all of your iTunes music synced to Google music. Anything you add to iTunes will get added to Google Music very similar to how iTunes Match works except this service is free on Google. I have a 64GB SD card loaded with all my music videos that I've purchased in iTunes that I use on my whichever Android phone I happen to be using. Music videos on iTunes are DRM free and I don't even need to change the format to play them in my S7 Edge.

As far as the watch... The Apple Watch is still a bit too limited for me. With the Gear S or Gear S2, you can actually make phone calls or send text messages from the watch while your phone is sitting at home as long as you keep the watch activated. For me on T-Mobile, this only costs $5 per month. You can't do this with the Apple Watch.

Also for me, my Android phones have been the closest things that I can get to actually using a computer such as a file system where I can move things around and the phone still knows where everything is.

I'm not going to try and convince the OP on why he should switch but I still use both but to me, nothing beats what an Android phone can do these days. It's just incredible. I don't miss using iMessage one bit.


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Apr 20, 2014
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Re: Switch from iPhone to Galaxy

Look up Samsung Side Sync on YouTube. It'll blow you away for your mac connectivity.

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Feb 3, 2014
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Re: Switch from iPhone to Galaxy, should I do it?

Why can't you use both phones?

I probably use my Note 5-S7 Edge more than I do my iPhone these days but there are still things I like using the iPhone more.

With iTunes, there is an app that you can install on a Mac that keeps all of your iTunes music synced to Google music. Anything you add to iTunes will get added to Google Music very similar to how iTunes Match works except this service is free on Google. I have a 64GB SD card loaded with all my music videos that I've purchased in iTunes that I use on my whichever Android phone I happen to be using. Music videos on iTunes are DRM free and I don't even need to change the format to play them in my S7 Edge.

As far as the watch... The Apple Watch is still a bit too limited for me. With the Gear S or Gear S2, you can actually make phone calls or send text messages from the watch while your phone is sitting at home as long as you keep the watch activated. For me on T-Mobile, this only costs $5 per month. You can't do this with the Apple Watch.

Also for me, my Android phones have been the closest things that I can get to actually using a computer such as a file system where I can move things around and the phone still knows where everything is.

I'm not going to try and convince the OP on why he should switch but I still use both but to me, nothing beats what an Android phone can do these days. It's just incredible. I don't miss using iMessage one bit.

I honestly don't want to have to keep up with two phones. The thought of that would probably drive me to get a motorola flip phone and remove text messaging from it. :) I did think about using the free line I have TMo as a "work" phone, but being that I am on-call 24x7, I would have to have both phones with me all the time.
Feb 3, 2014
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Re: Switch from iPhone to Galaxy

Just thought I would update this thread. I decided to give the GS7 Edge a shot. Did the 2 for 1 that TMo was having so I could get one for my wife as well. Well the wife did not want to switch, said she liked her phone just fine. I tried to give it a shot. Being that I buy my phones outright, I was able to carry both phones for a few days, and I had an extra line to use as well so both phones were active. After taking a few days getting a grip of the Samsung I switched the sim and made it my primary phone. Before I go any further, I can tell why people do not go to android from iPhone very often. Honestly, the android OS can be a bit overwhelming (and I own an IT company). Options are great, but the number of options in android is insane. And the notifications.... OMG THE NOTIFICATIONS!!! I actually made this switch full bore.... I bought the Samsung Gear S2 for Tmobile as well to replace my Apple Watch.

Well as you can guess, I was not a happy camper with the switch and it lasted only 24 hours before I was back to my iPhone.

Samsung Gear:
1> Super limited - Only samsungs apps really work on it. I was using MySMS because I could text from my laptop, but you can't get notifications for it on the watch. Only the Messages app works.
2> Only got half the notifications (maybe it was sick of all the notifications too), and missed all the important ones
3> The cell service on the watch will drop if you put it behind a piece of paper

Good things about it...battery was pretty incredible, screen is bright and the touch response is second to none. Blew the Apple Watch out of the water in those regards. But if it doesn't work, then there's no point.

S7 Edge:
1> Bezel is too small and you end up hitting the edge of the screen all the time, resulting is mis-types and inadvertent screen switches (I think the S7 would actually be a better phone).
2> The keyboard is a pain in the arse. Letters wrap on the edge so hitting them is hard
3> The camera is a step backwards from the S6. The iPhone pics were actually better then the Samsung. This was my biggest reason for getting the phone
4> Speed is so-so. I do like the ability to double-click for the camera. But you can't summon google with a long press like you can siri... had to get a third party app to do a key combination to get that to work. Kind of annoying when you want directions when you are driving and you have to do this secret handshake.
5> The fingerprint sensor misses a lot, and it can't be covered by anything... not even a clear plastic. My iphone unlocks if I think about touching the home button. It's actually so fast it can almost be annoying.
6> Always-on screen is a gimmick. You lose 36% of your battery per day if you never touched your phone just to the always on screen (and that's per samsung.... 1.5% per hour).
7> The notifications! Holy Christmas! I think ESPN went off 30 times per hour after the initial installation. I found myself doing nothing but managing notifications
8> The phone constantly telling me I had a SD card installed... DUH!
9> Sidesync is cool, but it's not iMessage. Seriously, in 7 years google doesn't have a competitor to iMessage?

So needless to say the Gear S2 went back to Tmobile as "deffective". And the two S7 Edge's are sitting in their box. I'll get the VR Headsets in a few weeks and then off to ebay they will go.


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Apr 12, 2011
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Re: Switch from iPhone to Galaxy

Yeah it's interesting indeed to make the switch. My issues are:
1. laggy and jittery--this seems to go in cycles. It'll be laggy a while, then smooth out for a while, then back and forth. I've killed all the bloatware, tried a factory reset, etc and it runs the same. I've had two devices--one on att and now the tmo version and they performed similarly so I don't think it's defective.

2. Battery life is just mediocre compared to 6s+ for me--I think in my area that tmo is harder on phones in general due to a strained network with lower signal many places

3. Screen overly sensitive(should be fixable). I also have an issue with the screen not registering touches on or near the curved edge

4. fingerprint sensor misses a lot

1. Form factor and size is much better than ip6s+

2. Camera--my shots look great on phone and computer

3. samsung smart switch--moved texts and other data over easily from 6s+. Cool they included the dongle

In the middle:

1. Screen--In direct sunlight it isn't the easiest screen to see--don't remember noticing this on note 5 or s6 edge. Looks great otherwise

2. gear s2--also noticed it loses signal easily. Also find it too small(style thing I guess)

Not sure if I'll be keeping mine and I have to admit I'm disappointed that samsung can't match apple or even nexus 6p level of smoothness. It cheapens the experience.


Mar 15, 2016
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Re: Switch from iPhone to Galaxy

Switching from iPhone to Android isn't all that bad, it just takes some prep work to begin using the google services instead of the Apple services. I just switched from the iPhone 5S as I've passed on both the 6 and 6S because I was getting tired of the same ecosystem. Because of that, I started planning ahead to make the switch easier if I did. Also the use of Google services work on both iPhones and Androids so you can continue using your iPhone if you decide not to make the switch, but you are not completely locked into a single ecosystem.

1) Contacts - Export your contacts from iCloud to Google.
How To Transfer Contacts From iPhone To Android (5 Ways) | Ubergizmo

2) Calendar - Export your calendar or calendars from iCloud to Google

3) iTunes - You can sync your music from iTunes to Google Music via the desktop app

4) Email - Most email apps now support multiple emails via the top services.

5) Photos - Use Google Photos to have your photos backup to Google

6) Transfer Data - I used Samsung Sync to transfer my content from the iPhone to The Samsung. You have multiple options to do the transfer, direct, via and iTunes backup or and iCloud backup. I used the iTunes backup and I got over all of my text, call logs and alarms. You also have the options to move your photos, music, alarms, bookmarks and receive an app list so you know what apps you may want to re-install (App list is because iTunes apps cannot be directly installed on an Android because you need to use Google Play Store.)

There is no substitue for iMessage, but if you do switch, remember to turn off iMessage first as if not, some of your messages from you iPhone friends will disappear into text message blackhole. I also used Find My Friends for my family, but I'm not looking at a replacement that works on both iPhone and Androids. So far I'm thinking about Glymps or Life360. All in all, the switch can be done with as little headache as possible, but there will be a few trade offs.

Chase Nelson1

Mar 28, 2014
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Well I was going to get on here and tell you to stay with iPhone, but it looks like you found out the "hard" way.
For me, switching isn't the issue. I regularly switch back and forth with ease. The problem when I am on Android comes from OTHER PEOPLE. Me being on Android causes issues with my friends and family. When I am on Android, suddenly all of their group texts and imessages are screwed up, they can no longer locate me on find my friends, etc. I'm not saying they are in the right, but literally like 99% of my close friends and family have iPhones. The pain it causes them with imessage alone is almost enough to make me stay with an Iphone. I hate that its like that, but not all of them are techies, they don't realize what Imessage is, how to turn it off, start a new thread, etc.

Anyway, just my piece on how sometimes pressure from the ones closest to you can be important, unfortunately.

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