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  1. M

    Watch rings sometimes without Phone ringing

    On occasion, I get a call on my watch but the phone does not ring. Most of the time, the calls go to both. Today I got a call from my optometrist twice on my watch and the phone didn't ring. I tried calling my number from another phone and it went to the phone as it usually does. I really...
  2. M

    Software Update - Cannot "Continue Update"

    Recent software update seemed to complete but now I have "Continue Update" under "Check for Updates" and it does not accept a touch to continue. I reset software to factory and this is still the case. Am I stuck? How can I force the update to continue? This is an AT&T compatible tablet. Thanks...
  3. M

    Lost BT icon from Status Bar with Pie

    Since the Pie update, I no longer see the Bluetooth icon on the Status Bar when BT is on. Cannot find a setting to turn this back on.
  4. M

    Display Sleep and Daydream not working when charging, any idea why?

    Display Sleep and Daydream not working when charging I have display sleep set to 15 seconds. I have Daydream set to clock and nightmode, when docked or charging. When my phone is charging, it does neither - no sleep and no daydream. After 15 seconds it will dim slightly. I can force it to sleep...
  5. M

    Moto X (2013) Speaker Phone function not working

    Since the 5.1 update (and the associated app updates), I have lost speaker phone function. When I use speaker phone for calls, or when driving and I answer the call hands free, the speaker volume is hardly louder than a regular call (maybe slightly louder). I have tried to increase volume...
  6. M

    Why does my Google card give me my local weather but it says it's for Miami?

    Until recently, my Google cards would give me my local weather, no problem. Recently it started telling me the local weather, but instead of Milford, OH, it says it's for Miami. Right now it says 67 deg in Miami. It is 67 deg in Milford OH and 86 deg in Miami so it is giving me the correct...
  7. M

    APN / Hotspot Problem after update to 5.1 for Moto X (2013)

    Since the 5.1 update, I have been unable to use hotspot. Any device can connect to the phone, but not to the internet. Four calls to AT&T with no luck, lots of resets, reboots, etc. On the 3rd call, I finally asked if maybe there was an APN setting that should be changed. Although I was by...
  8. M

    Active Display Now Flashes

    Some time recently my active display started acting differently. The phone now flashes once and then shows the email envelope icon briefly when I get a new email. It never had the flash before and I find it distracting. This happens with all three email apps I use, so it doesn't seem to be...
  9. M

    Touchless Control Cannot Call the Irish

    I noticed a few months ago that every time I tried to call my wife while driving, using touchless control, I would get an error "touchless control has stopped" and the call was not initiated. This did not happen when I tried to call anyone else. I could call her manually, just not by voice...
  10. M

    Moto X: Cannot turn off Motorola Connect

    Yes, I have logged out of Chrome, shut down anything in taskbar tray, and I continue to get notifications of emails, texts etc on my laptop. What am I missing here. I love the capability, but would like to keep it under control at times!
  11. M

    Cannot change the time that sleep ends

    Try as I might, I cannot change the time that sleep ends. The default is 6.00 am and I have realized that whatever time I enter, 6.20, 6.30, 7.00 am, the phone still wakes and emails etc. sounds begin again at 6.00 am. I have set, unset, and reset to no avail using different times. Any ideas...
  12. M

    How to shorten DTMF, tones are too long

    When setting up a dialing string to get into a voicemail box (not my AT&T vm), the tones are extraordinarily long, which sometimes confuses the mailbox on the other end. Must be a way to set a shorter tone duration, anyone know how? This is a Moto X on AT&T.