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  1. H

    Liking a Text

    I use the Samsung Messages App, or I think it is Samsung, it is connected to the Contacts. Came installed with the phone. I just tried to see if you can like a text. Apple has been able to do this for years, I see some Android phones also do this. I guess since it is SMS, not RCS the answer is...
  2. H

    Android vs Apple

    I know this might be a controversial subject but wondering if anyone has gone from one to the other. I have a 4 year old Samsung S10 and had 3 HTC phones before that. I know that at concerts the Iphone gets much, much, much better videos than Samsung phone. Almost all of my friends are on...
  3. H

    Is It Time for a New Phone

    For the 3rd Time I got Moisture Detected message and sound. It was never wet. 1st time, I thought it a fluke and not sure how I got rid of message. 2nd time, I tried many things listed online. Restarting did not help. I finally Cleared the Cache of the USB settings and restarted and that got rid...
  4. H

    Notification Sounds Bother My Dog

    My dog freaks out hearing Notifcation Sounds. Playing apps, phone ringing, etc do not get any reaction from my dog. Even playing loud YouTube videos, she just sits there. But when notification sounds happen, she freaks out. This did not happen with my previous phones, but for last 3 years with...
  5. H

    Firmware update not completed Notification

    My phone did the update this morning. But there was a notification saying "Firmware update not completed" Next auto retry 8:37. When nothing happened I restarted my phone, Now it says Next Auto Retry 10:39. I cannot get rid of this notification in the normal manner. How can I get rid of this...
  6. H

    Some Apps Suddenly not fully working

    Late yesterday a few apps stopped working or were opening but extremely slowly. I had updated a few apps, but not necessarily the ones that are not working. Strava, Tindr and some others would open, but not populate, or take over 10 minutes to populate the first page. Hollywood Bowl app will not...
  7. H

    Not Charging with Type B Plug Suddenly

    I woke up and the power is at 8%, so it was not charging overnight. I tried a different Type B plug, but it still was not charging. I turned on my computer and did a Type C to C plug and it in now charging. The phone has always been touchy when I would stick in the plug. When I first got in in...
  8. H

    Why does turning off SOUND not turn off ALL sound?

    When I turn off the sound, some apps still make sounds. This has always been annoying.
  9. H

    Samsung Email - Deleting Emails

    I just updated the Email app and the option to have it ask if you want to delete an email seems to be gone. It was there before the update, not deleting is one step and its gone. Is there anything I can do to get that option back? Thanks.
  10. H

    Sound Notification for Texts

    Since the latest update about a month or so ago, I no longer get a sound notification after returning a text message. If I do no close the message app, it does not make a sound. If I put the phone down or the screen closes, there is no sound when the new text comes in, so I am not aware of the...
  11. H

    Samsung Mail Change

    Using Samsung mail app, why did they put "Mark as Spam" at the top. It used to be "Mark as Unread". I marked a client as spam by accident and lost a bunch of emails. I hit Unread many, many, many more times than Spam. I cannot remember when I actually marked spam in the app, I would do that on...
  12. H

    After Switching to T-Mobile SIM card

    Hello all, thanks. 2 months ago I switched the SIM card in my S10 from Sprint to T-Mobile. I noticed a number of issues. 1 - I am not getting reception in places I was getting them before. I am talking about really busy places like downtown Santa Monica or Pasadena or in the hills when I hike. I...
  13. H

    2 Questions about Sound

    On S10 when I Mute the phone, I still get sound. For instance sometimes a website will still make the sound even tho the phone is muted. Also the other day and Youtube video made sound even tho it was muted. I thought muting shuts off all sound? How can I turn of sound. My previous phones, HTCs...
  14. H

    Email App for S10

    I just switched to S10 after 3 HTC phones. I really liked the HTC email app, but it only works on HTC Phones. So trying to find a good app that does a few things. 1 - Change the number of lines shown. Seems Samsung only...
  15. H

    Next Browser After Update

    It used to remember things like log in names, and email addresses, but after the update it is not remembering anything. Is there some adjustment I need to make to restore this? I use Next Browser as my main browser, but its less good since the update. Thank you.
  16. H

    Only Keeps 5 apps open overnight

    I posted this at the last update and was hoping this update would fix it. But up until 8 months ago, at the last update, if I had 12 apps open at night, they would be open in the morning. Now it only keeps 5 open after a certain period of time. I just closes any more than 5. I noticed with this...
  17. H

    Getting Rid of Sticky Notifications after Oreo Update

    I updated a few days ago, HTC 10/Sprint, and now I have 2 notifications that are always there and I cannot get rid of them. One is for Voicemail. It says it is running. I assume it is running as people leave messages and then I see the notification. I am afraid if I turn it off, I will not know...
  18. H

    Last Week's Update turned off my SD card

    I was traveling when I got the update prompt. I did it and all my photos were gone. I thought they were erased. Now at home and I see that when I connect my phone to my computer it only shows the Internal shared storage, not the SD card. How do I turn it on? I hope everything is there. Why...
  19. H

    New Update Deleted HTC Mail app

    I have the HTC mail app as a fixed app at the bottom of the screen with messages, camera, phone. When I updated last night it deleted the app, so I had to reinstall it and the 7 email addresses with settings. This was annoying and don't understand why this app was deleted. I think all the...
  20. H

    Problems with the Nougat Update

    I have Sprint in USA. Two problems I noticed on my HTC 10 1 - It only keeps 5 recent apps open, in the past I would have 20-30, with no problem. Now it will keep many open, but a few hours later when I open the phone, it will only have 5 open. Is there a setting that needs to be adjusted? Also...