Search results

  1. B

    [Closed] Win a Nexus 6P from Android Central!

    I would really like to have a device (The Nexus 6P) that is on the bleeding edge and always gets the latest updates. So tired of waiting for android releases to go through manufacturer, carriers, etc. before landing on my flagship device a year later!
  2. B

    [Closed] Nexus 7-a-day giveaway - Dec. 19

    I finally got a Nexus 7 Which my wife thinks is heaven but now I fight to read mail at night Please Phil make it happen Please! I have to fight for a turn on my own Nexus every night!
  3. B

    [Closed] Android Central Stocking Stuffers - Dec. 3 entries

    Haven't gotten an Ingress invite yet, so maybe I can win a gift card?
  4. B

    Ingress beta invites

    Looking for invite as well please. I am a geocacher and from what I have read Ingress is even better. Have to test it out for myself hopefully it works in South Africa.