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    [Closed] Win one of two 2013 Nexus 7 tablets from Android Central

    I'd love to have a new nexus to go with my nexus 4!! Can't stand using anything else!
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    [Closed] Valentine's Day Contest: Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 giveaways!

    My wife and I at a friend's wedding in India. My Galaxy S2 was one of our main cameras on this trip (though this was not taken with my phone!)!
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    [Closed] Contest: Win yourself a brand new Google Nexus 7 Tablet

    I could sure have fun with one of these tablets. Sounds awesome and I love the design!!
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    Buy now or wait for Jelly Bean, Quad Core?

    Bahahahahahahahahaha!!! Right. The S3 and One X will get it a month or so later. Because the vivid got it a month after ICS was released on the GNex last year? The GS2? (Hint: the GS2 STILL doesn't have it, on ATT OR Sprint). If you're ready for a new phone, get the GS3. I'm likely getting mine...
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    I've got the Samsung Galaxy S III, ASK ME QUESTIONS!

    Questions should end with question marks? I don't have any questions at the very moment but I will certainly pipe up again if I do!
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    No Android Experience-Tempted by the S3

    Lots of research to be done here for sure!! I definitely don't see you regretting your choice to switch. Considering how you seem to have a lot of app-related questions, I would suggest browsing the Android Market here...
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    I think I have hard-bricked my Evo... Confirmation? Help?

    It magically fixed itself, and somehow reverted to some old radio. Signal issues abound. This time, I'm thinking to boot into recovery, flash the radio, and reboot without doing anything else. Good?
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    I think I have hard-bricked my Evo... Confirmation? Help?

    Alright guys, I need some serious help. Tried to do a radio update on the Evo. Here's what I did: 1. I downloaded the latest radio, as well as the newest MIUI rom. 2. I wiped everything (except SD of course) and flashed ROM to make sure it was fine--it was. [tested a CM7 rom here to confirm I...
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    I'm SOOOO glad I got the Razr

    The video is impressive, and goes to show why Samsung phones can take a beating. I loved how my HTC Evo felt, and I used to make fun of Samsung build quality. I broke my Evo with a small drop, and my replacement cracked all over without ANY drops. Poor. My Nexus S, OTOH, I have dropped a...
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    I'm SOOOO glad I got the Razr

    The GNex Camera WILL be better than the DX camera in every measurable category. Ignore the 5MP -- THAT ONLY MATTERS IF YOU'RE BLOWING UP THE PICTURES. Are you blowing up cell phone pictures to 14X16? Didn't think so. If you are... You're silly. As for the OP who got all butt hurt with...
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    Finally! The phone it thought I was getting...

    "I didn't like bleu cheese, but then I tried it with a cracker and it was pretty good. I'm happy with that." "Yeah man I totally agree, blue cheese is the best, most nutritious substance on the planet." Whaa?? *ahem* he didn't say THAT. Just that the new phones aren't worth what it would...
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    Screen Cracked - Day 3

    It just fell the exact wrong way dude, it happens. You know how sometimes freak accidents happen. Sometimes, people can get hit in just the wrong way at just the wrong moment -- even if not that hard -- and it kills them, like that guy who got hit in the chest, not too hard, but the timing was...
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    How competitive is GNex...

    It would be the Galaxy Nexus not underclocked, with a removable sim card, with a smaller screen, made by HTC, heavier, with a better camera, with beats audio. In other words, an HTC Rezound with vanilla ICS.
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    [ROM] ICS SDK Port [WIP]

    I was starting to go through and compile the links for fixing root and fonts and such, but since you said you're gonna include it in the next build... I'll just wait til after. Awesome work, really amazing what you guys have done.
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    Battery Door

    You say that, but then don't provide a link. FAIL.
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    [ROM] ICS SDK Port [WIP]

    Beezy, I like the updates to the OP, that big red box sure catches the attention. Some extra punctuation will make it easier to read too... It's hard enough to get people to read stuff. They probably won't be willing to decipher it as well. Here's all I've got so far, add it to the OP if...
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    [ROM] ICS SDK Port [WIP]

    Beezy, If you need me to go through the thread and compile useful information to put in the first post I would be happy to do it for you, just let me know. I swear half the posts are people asking about flashing different kernels... seriously guys, one step at a time...
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    [ROM] ICS SDK Port [WIP]

    Thanks to those who were trying to help me resolve this issue! It has been resolved. Wanna know what it was?? I had renamed my backups and put spaces in the names. Like, you know, spaces between the words. I had NO IDEA that would cause a problem, but when I went in to a file...
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    [ROM] ICS SDK Port [WIP]

    Beezy, Still working with that md5 issue. I have several other backups from several different roms. None of them worked, all failed md5 check right off the bat. I can make and restore backups of the ICS rom no problem. Any ideas on how to fix this? Do you think doing the root fix would make...
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    [ROM] ICS SDK Port [WIP]

    it won't let me restore my last backup of my previous rom, check of MD5 sum failed. It let me make a backup of this ICS build, however. I do want to go back to the other rom I had before til this has camera and such working, and I didn't titanium anything cuz I just wanted to play with ICS. Any...