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  1. F

    Upgrading to JB on Samsung S i9000

    Now on 21/9 nightly and very good. I can see why Samsung hasn't upgraded the S to 4.3; they would sell less new phones. Ha!
  2. F

    Galaxy S I9000 soft bricked

    Give some detail so people can work out what you did and what phone you have. No one can give you advice if they don't know enough.
  3. F

    Upgrading to JB on Samsung S i9000

    Update Now on CyanogenMod 16/8 nightly, after 13 and 15/9. Just gets better and better.:D Oops, that should have read 16/9. Now on 19/9; phone has never been better, faster and smoother, lag is nearly gone, no random reboots, and battery life is better than I thought possible.
  4. F

    Upgrading to JB on Samsung S i9000

    Update. I have now upgraded to CyanogenMod 4.3 nightly 11/9. It is working better than I expected and the upgrade itself was not traumatic. The phone is faster and smoother than ever. There may be some bugs but I haven't found any. The battery life is far better. One thing I have found is that...
  5. F

    Upgrading to JB on Samsung S i9000

    I should also mention that backing up CORRECTLY is vital and is something I did not do properly, so I lost a few contacts and a lot of my messages and call logs. Find the best apps to back up off phone before you do a factory rest. You live and learn. :(
  6. F

    Upgrading to JB on Samsung S i9000

    I just upgraded from Gingerbread 2.3.7 to Jelly Bean 4.2.2 and could not be happier. It is almost like having a new phone; it is faster, more responsive and nicer to use. Highly recommended. Mind you, I did sweat blood worrying about bricking it BUT it all worked first time and without any...