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  1. Tj Goldstein

    [Solved] Bluetooth draining battery despite being turned off

    Hi,I somehow managed to clear the data cache but not via your steps.. I ended up just pressing random buttons until I got to two seperate ones.. apps and system apps. I cleared the cache and data for both and now, everything is back to normal. Bluetooth no longer shows up as being turned on and...
  2. Tj Goldstein

    [Solved] Bluetooth draining battery despite being turned off

    Sorry but there are no 3 dots in the upper right hand screen?
  3. Tj Goldstein

    [Solved] Bluetooth draining battery despite being turned off

    Also, off to work so won't be able to respond for another few hours.
  4. Tj Goldstein

    [Solved] Bluetooth draining battery despite being turned off

    Hmm, it's not showing up on either list. When I go into phone settings and choose Bluetooth, it's clearly showed as being off. Not sure what to do now.
  5. Tj Goldstein

    [Solved] Bluetooth draining battery despite being turned off

    The Bluetooth is showing up as 88.9% while the next one, Firefox, is at 1.29%. Unfortunately, I am unable to do a force stop as it doesn't give me that option. I might have to go into the program itself and disable it or force stop it that way?
  6. Tj Goldstein

    [Solved] Bluetooth draining battery despite being turned off

    Hiya, yes it is.. it's gone from about 65% .. when I actually was using it 3 days ago to 85-95% when not in use and turned off. The only thing that has changed is a Google update.
  7. Tj Goldstein

    [Solved] Bluetooth draining battery despite being turned off

    I forgot to add that the phone is an Oppo ax5 and this is the first issue I have had with it.
  8. Tj Goldstein

    [Solved] Bluetooth draining battery despite being turned off

    Hi, Google did an update a few days ago and since then, Bluetooth has been draining my battery despite not being turned on. My overnight drain, while sleeping, has gone from around 10-12% to 45%. I have turned down screen resolution, deactivated any battery draining apps and a few other minor...
  9. Tj Goldstein

    SG 2 10.1 not charging properly?

    Hi, I accidently let my SG tablet 10.1 series 2 battery go all the way down to zero last night... just forgot to plug it in like I have every night of the past year.. and now, it is not charging like normal. I have had it plugged in for the past 3 hours and all that comes up is a couple of...
  10. Tj Goldstein

    Storage space running low

    Amazing!! Worked like a charm first time... after hours of searching the interwebs for solutions and manually deleting programs, photos, music I didn't need and clearing caches... all to no avail in getting rid of the stupid warning! I only wish I had stumbled across this forum earlier, would...