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  1. ABLIX

    [FREE][GAME] Brick Balling

    Honestly just another brick breaker game but I think it's pretty good if you like this type of game and I have some mechanics that I didn't see in other ones. There are some good powerups and some bad ones. There are a few different types of bricks. Each level has a different layout. There are...
  2. ABLIX

    [FREE][GAME] Stick Em Up

    Stick Em Up is a word play of shoot em up with stick instead of shoot, relating to stick figures. So if anything I think I got the name right. Maybe. You are a thick stick in a top down shooting game with endless levels where you stand in the middle and enemies come toward you to do bad things...
  3. ABLIX

    [PUZZLE][2.3+] Lost In Space

    Hey guys. Lost in space is a puzzle game inspired by lunar lockout and such, developed by me and my friend. Your goal is to move the player to the red glowing ball in the middle. You can move the player and the comets and you can move a character only towards another character. There is a...
  4. ABLIX

    [FREE][ARCADE] Combo Brick Breaker

    Combo Brick Breaker is a new unique Brick Breaker/Arkanoid/Breakout style brick breaking game! It shares the goal and ideas of those games but it indeed has unique features. It's not just another copy. Nope. (Seriously though) In this game you control a paddle. You deflect balls. You shoot...